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Turn the chat channels off, now!

Reactions: 40,340
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Member, Private Tester
edited October 2016 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
The "Chat Channels" feature is obviously still not working right, and all it does is lag everyone who hasn't heard of the firewall workaround.
Turn it off, before this 2x weeked.
Especially with the Cube sale that's going to make people go into Cash Shop, which is something that has been shown to trigger Chat Channel stutter even for those lucky enough to avoid it on initial log-in.

Nexon must turn the Chat Channels off. Nao.


  • LilyflowerLilyflower
    Reactions: 4,030
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    edited October 2016
    Is it another ddos :/.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited October 2016

    Is it another ddos :/.
    No, it's a bug.
    It causes your maplestory client to be constantly trying to connect to the chat channel server. For some reason, it fails, over and over. Each attempt causes a lag spike (freeze), and it keeps trying every 2 seconds. So your client is constantly stuttering.
    The workaround people found is to block all outgoing traffic from your computer to the chat channel server. Then the client doesn't try to connect and works smoothly.
  • JulyJuly
    Reactions: 2,720
    Posts: 376
    edited October 2016
    sorry but i think the only thing that bring nexon NA to go into unscheduled maintenance is Text issues.
  • DepressedAranDepressedAran
    Reactions: 640
    Posts: 65
    edited October 2016
    I mean, did you really need to make a thread about this. It's pretty much a given unless Nexon's head is so up their arse like their Live Support team.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited October 2016

    I mean, did you really need to make a thread about this. It's pretty much a given unless Nexon's head is so up their arse like their Live Support team.
    I thought so too. I mean, with at least half a dozen threads on here, and a few more on reddit, you'd think Nexon would notice.
    But since there was no word from them (and obviously no action), for all of Thursday and Friday, I decided to make a thread with a more specific title (rather than "lag" and "cure for lag" and such general things) and tag the CM for good measure.
    Apparently, though, I waited a little too long and he'd already left the office (or maybe he did see it but the people who could throw the switch were already gone for the weekend), so we'll have to wait 'til Monday at the earliest.

    Sorry for trying?
  • KeepComingBackKeepComingBack
    Reactions: 2,960
    Posts: 214
    edited October 2016
    inb4 we all somehow get banned for doing the firewall workaround.
    I find it hilarious that this "fix" is even a thing, and that it's probably more effective than whatever Nexon would have done if they had actually done anything to try and remedy this. The game should have been down for maintenance on the same day the issue occurred and was identified, or they should have hotfixed it like they did the Dojo rankings, if it's possible in this situation.

    I can see some use for the chat channels, but I don't want them that badly. And it's only a matter of time before the mesoselling bots get in on it, once it starts working correctly, that is. But nobody's gonna do anything about that either.

    If the curse filter is important enough for an unscheduled maintenance, then so is 99% of the playerbase having constant framedrops due to a bug. Priorities, people.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited October 2016

    inb4 we all somehow get banned for doing the firewall workaround.
    I find it hilarious that this "fix" is even a thing, and that it's probably more effective than whatever Nexon would have done if they had actually done anything to try and remedy this. The game should have been down for maintenance on the same day the issue occurred and was identified, or they should have hotfixed it like they did the Dojo rankings, if it's possible in this situation.

    I can see some use for the chat channels, but I don't want them that badly. And it's only a matter of time before the mesoselling bots get in on it, once it starts working correctly, that is. But nobody's gonna do anything about that either.

    If the curse filter is important enough for an unscheduled maintenance, then so is 99% of the playerbase having constant framedrops due to a bug. Priorities, people.
    The firewall workaround is, technically, against the ToS. It interferes with the communications between the game client and Nexon's servers.

    I don't know where this "chat channel" idea came from. I don't remember seeing it on Orangemushroom's blog. We certainly didn't ask for it. And as you said, the spambots will take over all channels as soon as the thing starts working, rendering it useless.
    I really wish they'd work on adding features we ask for, instead of features nobody asked for and nobody will use. (And which they insist on releasing without proper testing).

    The Chat Channels were disabled after the v.177 patch, and enabled again without a minor patch, so I'm sure they can disable them again with only a minor maintenance (or even none at all - just shut down the chat channel server. After all, once you turn on the firewall thing, the chat channel server is effectively "down" for you - and that doesn't bother your client at all).

    Priorities... idk what Nexon's are anymore, tbh. Used to think they'd deal with Cash bugs first, but now even that can't be counted on (both the 999 item bug, which affects some people since v.177, and the name change that didn't run). So I don't know what they're so busy with. Other than pissing people off by blocking IPs that will be reopened within a month, and boasting of fixing text bugs.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
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    edited October 2016
    Probably busy with the legal/technical aspects of the migration. And yes, you might think it silly to reinstate IP blocks that will ultimately be removed again in a month, but that's very likely a legal issue concerning licensing/publishing rights between the different incarnations of Nexon around the world. They probably thought the same thing; why bother if they're just going to be removed again soon? But it's likely something that they're legally obligated to do until the migration is complete.

    It does feel like things have been rather hectic over there ever since the migration was announced. Hopefully once things settle, we'll see a bit more getting done.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited October 2016

    Probably busy with the legal/technical aspects of the migration. And yes, you might think it silly to reinstate IP blocks that will ultimately be removed again in a month, but that's very likely a legal issue concerning licensing/publishing rights between the different incarnations of Nexon around the world. They probably thought the same thing; why bother if they're just going to be removed again soon? But it's likely something that they're legally obligated to do until the migration is complete.

    It does feel like things have been rather hectic over there ever since the migration was announced. Hopefully once things settle, we'll see a bit more getting done.
    That's what I thought too, but KThxBaiNao never mentioned licensing or legal concerns. He said

    These IP blocks were reinstated in today’s maintenance because we are still working on the servers, accounts, and database information for our Europe Service migration. We are not quite ready yet for all the wonderful constituents from other regions to join us.
    Which makes little sense because they were playing here for a week and the servers had no special issues. As for accounts, I guess they could not use their "migrated" accounts and had to create new ones, but why not allow them to continue to do that? It's not like characters are going to get migrated, only NX balances.
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
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    edited October 2016
    e-e If only...and I need to enter the CS...HALP ME Q_Q
  • KeepComingBackKeepComingBack
    Reactions: 2,960
    Posts: 214
    edited October 2016
    AKradian said:

    The firewall workaround is, technically, against the ToS. It interferes with the communications between the game client and Nexon's servers.

    Well technically the communication between the game client and Nexon's servers in this case seems to be busted regardless. Maybe my firewall just so happens to deem this constant reconnecting to be abnormal and possibly malicious. I personally find it abnormal and it sure is malicious to my game experience.

    Anyway, hopefully we won't have to jump through hoops to be able to play the game soon enough. It still baffles me that they didn't hold an unscheduled maintenance.
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
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    edited October 2016

    AKradian said:

    The firewall workaround is, technically, against the ToS. It interferes with the communications between the game client and Nexon's servers.

    Well technically the communication between the game client and Nexon's servers in this case seems to be busted regardless. Maybe my firewall just so happens to deem this constant reconnecting to be abnormal and possibly malicious. I personally find it abnormal and it sure is malicious to my game experience.

    Anyway, hopefully we won't have to jump through hoops to be able to play the game soon enough. It still baffles me that they didn't hold an unscheduled maintenance.
    Yeah...LF> Maint please (Omg I am actually asking for maint)
  • BIackbeanBIackbean
    Reactions: 3,450
    Posts: 519
    edited October 2016
    i used the reddit help, by typing a command in CMD, will that effect anything else besides blocking the chat channel port?
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited November 2016
    Think there's any chance @KThxBaiNao will drop by the forums today?
    Or should we try to make @OneLetter aware of the sad state of this game?
    @Invulgo , @Neospector , @MegaScience , did any of you alert Nexon to the chat-channel stutter issue?

    I understand they're busy with the migration and whatnot, but it seems absurd that they haven't even acknowledged the issue, much less attempted to solve it. (And no, the client-side workaround, which is technically against the ToS as it interferes with client-server communication, doesn't mean they can just push this on the pile of "we'll get to it whenever").
  • NeospectorNeospector
    Reactions: 9,760
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    edited November 2016
    AKradian said:

    Think there's any chance @KThxBaiNao will drop by the forums today?
    Or should we try to make @OneLetter aware of the sad state of this game?
    @Invulgo , @Neospector , @MegaScience , did any of you alert Nexon to the chat-channel stutter issue?

    I understand they're busy with the migration and whatnot, but it seems absurd that they haven't even acknowledged the issue, much less attempted to solve it. (And no, the client-side workaround, which is technically against the ToS as it interferes with client-server communication, doesn't mean they can just push this on the pile of "we'll get to it whenever").
    I alerted Nexon to the chat channel lag after entering the cash shop myself, yeah. Also, the lag at Crimson Sky Dock, which is unrelated. I'm waiting until maintenance to see if they've produced a fix.

    They haven't told us anything regarding the firewall workaround, period. My personal suggestion: screenshot turning the firewall rule on, only use the method if the lag becomes 100% unbearable. If Nexon sends official word to stop, stop immediately. Use at your own risk.
    BIackbean said:

    i used the reddit help, by typing a command in CMD, will that effect anything else besides blocking the chat channel port?
    Port 8786 is used for the cash shop in some worlds, making you DC if you attempt to use the cash shop. Do not block port 8786.

  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited November 2016
    The chat channel lag happens even if one doesn't go into cash shop.
    Not that we can avoid going in cash shop anyway, because of having to "settle" reward points after every 10 bosses or tokens (from Monster Collection).
  • KingStarfireKingStarfire
    Reactions: 1,785
    Posts: 293
    edited November 2016
    wait, what is this about the chat filter? what happened to that?
  • NeospectorNeospector
    Reactions: 9,760
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    edited November 2016

    wait, what is this about the chat filter? what happened to that?
    The new chat channels introduced in the Secret Stories update are causing lag because of constant, failed attempts to reconnect once connection to the channels is lost (this is caused by entering the cash shop for many). This causes stuttering, lag, and other problems for people.

    Some people on Reddit determined that blocking the specific IP address for the chat channels using a firewall filter would block the system's attempts to reconnect, thus removing the lag. However Nexon has not reported back on whether or not this is a bannable offense.
  • KingStarfireKingStarfire
    Reactions: 1,785
    Posts: 293
    edited November 2016
    Oh, when you said filter I thought you meant the chat censor.
  • ModestyModesty
    Reactions: 1,005
    Posts: 61
    edited November 2016
    My friends and I noticed that the first time you log into the freezing character for a new day (tested only from 8 AM -10 PM PST), the freezing does not occur. It only starts off again after logging off that character or going into the cash shop.
    As mentioned in a few previous posts, you can avoid gambling against the TOS by logging off the character while the game is stuttering. This will bring you to the channel selection screen. Enter your respective world to go into the character selection screen. While in that screen, wait until the spikes, stuttering, freezes or whatever you want to call it stops. After logging back in to the game, there will be no more freezing as long as you do not join a chat channel, enter the cash shop, or log off. If you do, simply do the trick again.
    Some players claims that this do not work. I believe that it does, though I have no proof. But I did notice a few things. First, the time it takes to stop stuttering in the character selection screen ranges from 2 minutes to 15 minutes.
    This seems to be affected by:
    1. Computer speed
    2. Game latency
    3. Internet speed
    On double exp events on my slowest computer, it takes ~15 minutes before stuttering stops.
    On double exp events on my fastest computer, it takes ~8 minutes before stuttering stops.
    On my fastest computer in the mornings, it takes ~2 minutes before stuttering stops.
    On my fastest computer in the evening, it takes ~5 minutes before stuttering stops.

    These results are proven through testing and not through hard facts.

    Also, if you want to avoid freezing on a character that currently does not have this problem, simply do not enter the cash shop. After entering once, it will also start freezing even if you never enter it again. If you must enter it to claim your Reward Points, you can simply sacrifice a character that you hardly play to do so.