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In-game clock based on server time (UTC)
Currently the GMS servers operate based off of the UTC time zone. Players who don't live within this time zone will need to add/subtract the difference in time between their respective time zone and UTC when encountering some time-dependent features in the game. While I find this isn't too annoying to perform, having the ability to view the current server time would be a nice addition. I am also aware that checking current server time is viewable at some of station maps, but heading to these stations to check can be inconvenient.
I would like to propose the option to check the current server time in chat with a command such as "/time" that will send back the server time at which the command was sent and received. If possible, a better solution is to have an option in the settings to enable or disable a clock GUI that shows the current server time. This makes it easier for players to navigate time-dependent features in the game, such as items that expire, Ursus queue cooldowns, and daily reset times. This also can be helpful during scenarios where the GMS servers end up not following current UTC time, as players will be able to notice that the GMS servers are behind/forward an hour due some event such as daylight savings. After which, players can inform the GMS team, and can continue performing their dailies using the time shown in-game.
The servers are always following UTC, never behind or ahead.
UTC does not change with the seasons, which is why the difference between your local time and UTC can change. That is something you need to pay attention to, the GMS team doesn't need to do anything about it.
I agree that an easy way to see the in-game clock, other than going to a station, would be useful.
Until that's done, though, you can set Windows to show you the current UTC time, in addition to (or instead of) your local time. Alternatively, you can google "time in utc" whenever you need to check the time.