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What are the "epic heroes of maple" quests?

Reactions: 1,350
Posts: 130
edited July 2020 in General Chat
I am doing 5th job advancement. On my final quest, with the Goddess of Tynerum, I get up to the top. And can't enter the portal because "to enter the dark world tree summit you must have cleared all epic heroes of maple quests".

What does this mean?


  • Dnaman101Dnaman101
    Reactions: 2,025
    Posts: 243
    edited July 2020
    you go 1 map below that (where you can still go left or right) and go (it might be random but) right (that's what's been for me the last 2 times)

    edit:that is for 5th job advancement
  • NeospectorNeospector
    Reactions: 9,760
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    edited July 2020
    You do not need to go to the summit for the 5th job quests. The hidden portal for the Tynerum goddess is located somewhere in the upper stem (Upper Left Stem, Upper Stem Crossroad, and Upper Right Stem).

    Heroes of Maple is a blockbuster (set after the Black Heaven blockbuster, but you can complete these in any order you so choose) available by going to the Dimensional Mirror, selecting the Ereve Conference Pavillion, and speaking with NPC Moco. It's a large glowing archway located on the left part of the map.
    Heroes of Maple is not needed to complete 5th job, but it is needed if you wish to fight Damien as a boss later on.
  • MawgMawg
    Reactions: 1,350
    Posts: 130
    edited July 2020
    Thanks, both. I thought that I had to do all Temple of Time quests, but no. Just go to the proper map, like you say. Done now, yay !!
  • Dnaman101Dnaman101
    Reactions: 2,025
    Posts: 243
    edited July 2020
    Mawg wrote: »
    Thanks, both. I thought that I had to do all Temple of Time quests, but no. Just go to the proper map, like you say. Done now, yay !!

    when 5th job first came out you had to complete ToT but not anymore