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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Unable to complete '[Stone Colossus] My Pal Chino'
The quest ask me to collect 100 Hornet Honey and 100 Large Poison Gland. Back to the npc with the items on my invetory but I cant finish the quest, the icon above his head never changes. I tried to forfeit the quest and take it again many times but it didn't work, then I tried to sell the items to collect them again but they dont appear on the sell list when I try to sell on the npc, but they are still here on my bag, 100 of each. Then I went to the Maple Administrator npc and tried the option ''Delete Un-droppable items'' but I click the option she says ''You don't have seem to have an un- droppable item''.
Character name: Jondre
Character level: 166
Character job: Demon Slayer
World name: Reboot
Date and time of the incident: July - 11 - 2020