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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Legion Grid Accessibility
I think the Legion Grid should be viewable in every map just like stats/skills/items/etc. are viewable in every map. I feel like it should be rather simple to grey out the "Start Raid" button or have a pop up saying "You can't travel from here" when you click it. This way you are still not able to enter the raid in the same maps as before but you could at least see your legion grid.
If you don't want it to be changeable in boss fights then you could also make it so you can't swap them in a boss fight. (Not sure why, since you can swap links/items/nodes/etc. in a boss fight, but that's for a different discussion.)
I just want to be able to see my legion at any time. It'd be nice to just look at my characters in the Rise AFK room or not have to leave the map I am in just to know what my legion setup is.