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Tengu no purple aura.

Posts: 2
in Bug Reporting
Bug type: in-game

Brief bug summary:
Tengu does not have purple aura, therefore I can't do the combo sequence to damage him.

More details:
I have this bug on multi characters.

(anything not included in the other sections of your report)

Steps to reproduce:

(if not covered in the summary)

Character name:
Zerochurroz and Firechurroz

Character level:
157 & 223

Character job:
Zero & I/L mage

World name:

Date and time of the incident:
9/3/2022 14:28 pst

(mention your time zone if you aren't posting Pacific time)


  • AxelNLAxelNL
    Post: 1
    I can confirm this bug.
    Me and my friend also have the same problem.
    The purple area is not appearing and makes it impossible to defeat the boss.