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how much do i need to enchant my Armour/bow

Member maplesplash
Reactions: 400
Posts: 25
edited September 2023 in General Chat
how much do i need to enchant my Armour/bow to beat bosses?


  • Member maplesplash
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 25
    edited September 2023
    im lost
  • Member, Private Tester Fuhreak
    Reactions: 7,745
    Posts: 1,685
    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2023
    The easiest thing for you to do would be to post a screenshot of your stat and equipment page and that would help give an idea of what you need to do next.
  • Member RedRaven
    Reactions: 1,290
    Posts: 297
    edited October 2023
    EDIT 3: this was written assuming you play reboot btw EDIT 3 END
    EDIT 4: forgot bout Hoyoung Link Skill....adding it to the list....also partially wrote Link Skill//Legion info EDIT 4 END

    depending on your mesos income
    1-7 stars(lvl 30-180)
    8-11 stars(lvl 180-230)
    12-15 stars(lvl 220-250)
    15-17 stars(lvl 235-250 + Legion army to net important stats to do Chaos Root Abyss)

    i'am also assuming your guildless.....you can either start your own guild and put all ur char into it and slowly unlock guild stats boost
    or u can try to join a random lvl 25 guild and use them as tool to your own ends for that yummy heavy stats increase(if you lean on dark side)

    also you seem to be a New//returning player....so here some classes i strongly recommend to avoid as your first 10 chars(however you will want them eventually for either their Link Skills or Legion effect


    on the other hand i would recommend the following as your 12 first chars(follow by some extra if you want all that extra dps powah
    top 5
    Dawn Warrior(passive +30 ATK ACC Wide, +ATK//stats,more Link, +HP Legion effect)
    Mercedes(Bonus exp Link, Reduce cooldowns time)
    Zero(Bossing purposeLink ....Legion Effect: bonus exp)
    Beast Tamer(All Purpose Link + great Legion effect)
    Luminous(Bossing purpose Link)

    top 6-12
    Demon Avenger(All Purpose Link 10-20% dmg)
    Demon Slayer(Bossing purpose Link, abnormal status resist Legion)
    Buccaneer(massive stats increase to lvl lowbies char Link SKill ....... Legion Effect + Str)
    Cannoneer(massive stats increase to lvl lowbies char Link SKill ....... Legion Effect + Str)
    Corsair(massive stats increase to lvl lowbies char Link SKill ....... Legion Effect : increase summon Duration by 4-12%)
    Kanna(+All Purpose Link Skill 5-10% dmg)
    Hoyoung(Bossing purpose, heavy dps increase while lvling 10-200 Link Skill......Legion Effect: +20-100 Luk)

    extra(top 13-17)
    Hayato(+All Purpose Link SKill........Legion Effect: +1-6(5?)% Crit dmg
    Marksman(increase rate to add monsters to collection+ Crit Rate...Legion effect : Crit Rate +1-5%)
    Night Lord(legion Effect: Crit Rate +1-5%....Link Skill only good for class applying debuffs to bosses)
    Blaster(Legion Effect: Ignore 1-6% Def....Link Skill: useless
    Shade(Legion Effect: Crit dmg +1-6(5?)%....Link Skill: useless

    extra(18-26)(you can put mechanic ahead if you hate rebuffing)
    Nightwalker(stackable Link skill along other Cygnus)
    Wind Archer(stackable Link skill along other Cygnus)
    Blaze Wizard(stackable Link skill along other Cygnus)
    T-Breaker(stackable Link skill along other Cygnus)
    Bowmaster(increase rate to add monsters to collection+ Crit Rate...Legion Effect: +20-100 Dex)...stackable link
    Pathfinder(increase rate to add monsters to collection+ Crit Rate...Legion Effect: +20-100 Dex)...stackable link
    Wild Hunter(Legion effect: 20% chance to deal 4-20% extra dmg)(its equal to 5% extra dmg on average)...Link Skill: useless
    Xenon(Legion Effect: +10-50 to Str, Dex, & Luk....Link Skill +5-10% All stats)
    Mechanic(Legion Effect +5-25% Buffs duration)
    Kaiser(Link SKill +10-20% HP....Legion Effect: 20-100 Str)...this Link skill is only loved by Kanna, Demon Avenger and Dark Knights
    Dark Knight(Legion Effect +1-6% HP....Link SKill: useless)

    thats it after these 26 classes...you got ALL of the best Link Skills and Legion effects

    special cases
    Aran...this one link skill is best off for characters lvl 250+).....so you dont need it early on
    Evan...similar to Aran making full use of runes while questing is difficult....would also recommend using it for char lvl 250+)
    you can work on these 2 classes after getting most of your alts army to lvl 200 to acquire maximum dps output

    if you want another class than these ones above as your main then go ahead....but i strongly recommend making the top 11 b4 you pick the class you want to main
    to at least get the heavy dps netting in

    NOTE: Luminous link skill is extremely powerful for bossing..especially matter big time when you start doing Bosses whose crystal are worth 100 millions or above
    because their defense is so high that without enough ignore defense % you be doing 1 dmg every hit you do

    the first boss which has fairly high defense is Normal Arkarium snakes spawns(which you gotta kill to not die to Arkarium curse)

    giving you some additional information
    for each lvl you are bellow a boss you do about 5% less dmg

    here some lvl recommendation for bosses as a starting new player(you can shave off about 5-10 lvl once your more advanced in link skills and legion power)

    Easy Zakum: lvl 60
    Normal Zakum: lvl 100
    EDIT 4: note recommend holding off N-Zakum untill your lvl 103 and that your bar is at exactly 0% if you want to net the full exp from him)
    ..since NX fused the arm exp to the body he's giving too much exp at lvl 100 to take it all in...but be sure he die b4 daily reset time so...even if has to terminate him at lvl 100 due to time constraint)....EDIT 4 END
    Easy Magnus: lvl 130
    Easy Hilla: lvl 130
    Easy Horntail lvl 140
    Easy Arkarium lvl 150
    Normal Horntail lvl 155-160
    Normal Pink Bean lvl 170
    Chaos Horntail lvl 175
    Normal Arkarium lvl 180

    Papulatus is a waste of time untill you can do his Chaos version dont bother with him
    same for Root Abysses bosses..nothing rewarding on normal except lvl skip for profession
    which you should not worry about at anytime since profession are sorta pointless untill you got a ton of materials
    so you can take your sweet time lvling professions

    Von Leon is also a waste of time on Easy//Normal
    if you wanna do Von Leon i recommend lvl 205 so u can fight him on Hard difficulty for some chance at nice loots

    Ranmaru also a waste of time on normal difficulty...lvl 205 -215 recommend to do him on Hard difficulty depending on class...he hit for 31k dmg on hard so unless you either burst him ded or tank him you wont beat him if u can,t do either of those

    hope this is helpfull enough for ya :)

    for other bosses well i think i let you experience them first hand and judge yourself on weither your rdy or not

    EDIT: technicly normal root abyss bosses drop gear which increase your charm lvl but its too much effort to hunt for that bellow lvl 205
    so i can't recommend doing them at all early on

    EDIT 2: focus on reaching lvl 140 on all these 25 first char to unlock solid links skills//legion effect optimal start up power
    in Dawn Warrior Case it has to go up to 150 to fully power up Empress Blessing

    link skills and Legion effects upgrade again at lvl 200-210 for the next rank so dont worry bout the 200+ effects right away because that will take a fair amount of time

    and while at it...i strongly recommend raising at least 2 characters to hit 200 asap if you want to increase your mesos income quickly
    Mercedes would be a great choice cause of her exp boost link skill and Luminous for his op link skill as well