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Purchased Wrong Holiday Surprise Box

Reactions: 805
Posts: 6
edited December 2016 in Account Billing Support

Was wondering if I could just get some answers.

Last night before maitenance I purchased 11 small surprise boxes and I decided to charge 30k NX quickly and buy another 11 boxes and open them before the maintenance. However, today after I checked, I had apparently spent the 30k on large boxes instead..

Is there anyway to do a rollback on this purchase and have it spent on the small boxes instead?... Not sure if user error or glitched because I could have sworn I bought the small boxes.



  • Sweetheart123Sweetheart123
    Reactions: 1,285
    Posts: 204
    edited December 2016
    why would u want the small ones thats the boxes that have all the temparary items
    the big boxes usually contain perms
  • RyannCeeRyannCee
    Reactions: 805
    Posts: 6
    edited December 2016

    why would u want the small ones thats the boxes that have all the temparary items
    the big boxes usually contain perms
    Because the small boxes contain perms as well and there's 30 chances to get them vs 10.. Sigh feelsbadman

  • AlhanalemAlhanalem
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 3
    edited February 2017
    The odds are probably lower on the cheaper boxes.