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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Nexon America should fix their Game
Hacker everywhere , bug glitches, the game is unstable , i have reported 2 bugs for more then 2 Years now and it's still not FIXED!!!!!!! ,
Nexon America only cares about our money , they don't give a S*** about thier player base , only about the whales who spend the most money, and watch me getting banned after this, because nexon know it's TURE but they won't admit it , it's hard to keep playing an Amazing game like this, when the company Literally S**** on our Faces Every single F****** DAY !!!!!!! , So either Work things up hire better people that Actaully Know's How to play the game , that knows the BASICS OF THE GAME, FIX THE BUGS, AND JUST IN GENERAL FIX EVERYTHING THAT IS WRONG IN THE GAME AND IN YOUR'E COMAPNY , Just take notes from Nexon Korea, because they are doing a FAR BETTER JOB THEN YOU . End Rant ...........................
Unlike, say, attaching pictures, which is done through a small button that you have to look for, the "Add Poll" thing is right there in your face while you're creating your thread, and also every time you look at your thread. Nagging you to do it. Making you feel like you're negligent if you leave it out.
That's what makes everybody add a poll basically saying "Do you agree with me? [] Yes [] Hell yes [] No, because I'm an idiot".