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I/L Mage good unbuffed damage range??

Reactions: 530
Posts: 43
edited February 2017 in General Chat

Just wondering, what is a good/normal unbuffed range for I/l Mage at lvl 220+ ?
I'm 220 and my clean/unbuffed range is 320k - 350k. Is this good? I heard at 220+ I should have like 1mil range! WTF!!!
If my range is too low, whats the best way to increase it? If I'm supposed to have 1mil range, thats like 700k more range I need... Seems impossible to get lolll

What do you think guys?
Thanks in advance for your tips!


  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited February 2017
    Since "the sky is the limit" now, as far as range is concerned, there is no "good" or "normal" range. It all depends on what you want to do.
    If you're 220 you probably want to train and farm nodestones in the Arcane River area. Do you feel you are doing that effectively? How many hits does it take you to kill the enemies there? Are you able to contribute at Hard Muto PQ, or are you basically getting carried?
    Do you boss? Which bosses can you defeat, and which are you aiming for in the future?

    As for how to improve your range, it's a matter of
    (a) Getting the right items (CRA, Gollux, Tyrant)
    (b) Scrolling them well (if non-Reboot)
    (c) Getting decent potential and star force on them.
  • WickedSpiritWickedSpirit
    Reactions: 530
    Posts: 43
    edited February 2017
    Well I thought there would be a range that its kind of "minimum" like you know that if you are "under this x range" that means your character is under average and messed up. Well, thanks for the tips. Yes I often train in arcane river but in scrapyard too sometimes. I can mostly kill the monsters easily like max 3 hits.
    For the equipment set I mostly have the sweetwater set.
  • TashieTashie
    Reactions: 1,450
    Posts: 122
    edited February 2017
    What AKradian said; you need to get your gollux set aim for superiors, get ur tyrants and CRA stuff also. I'm a 217 i/l and have 1.5mil range, once you have enough to cube your stuff you'll be able to notice a difference. getting 700k+ isn't that hard
  • WickedSpiritWickedSpirit
    Reactions: 530
    Posts: 43
    edited February 2017
    Allright I will try and see what I can do! :)
    Thanks for the tips!