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A cube question/hypothesis

Member Kylehell007
Reactions: 1,295
Posts: 142
edited June 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
What if Miester Cubes were removed from the game? They can be both crafted and gained from various methods but they do have the opportunity to make items go legendary, making free-to-play way more optional then it was before. Or what if they were able to only go unique but at a WAY higher rate then master cubes? Of course we have reward points for 5x5 red/black cubes a month which requires daily effort to obtain those points. Free is always too good to be true. I can tell you personally how easily it would be to set up a simple recording key program to bot making or farming from elite's miester cubes is. I'm not saying to remove it, I'm just wondering what would peoples reactions be towards this action rather?
  1. Revamp them?9 votes
    1. Keep as are
       11% (1 vote)
    2. lower tier up to only unique
       0% (0 votes)
    3. remove completely
       0% (0 votes)
    4. i hate kylehell007
       89% (8 votes)


  • Member Its2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
    Posts: 884
    edited June 2017
    Yeah no, I'm not an agreement to this. You're suggesting something more troublesome and not beneficial to the legitimate community than the actual solution to the problem.

    A good free-to-play game ensures that players can obtain the items in-game for power.

    Hackers/botters are benefiting from farming Elite Monsters which grants them rewards such as Clean Slate Scrolls, Master Craftsman/Meister Cubes, Cubic Blades, Spell Traces, etc.

    An easy solution to that would be to lower or completely re-haul the Elite field system where it mainly benefits training instead of item rewards. Then supplementation into bosses and other content that can make previously worthless or good into something that people may want to do more daily.

    Another solution is to up-the-game with anti-hack detection where it doesn't auto-ban but flags suspicious players for GMs to investigate. I find it absolutely pathetic that the level of hacking currently going on. Not only infecting dead abandoned areas, but even places like Arcane River.

    One more solution is to permanently cripple hacking by a long-term solution to killing it off for good. An example would be to shut down hacking distributors or finding a way so the system can't be exploited through vulnerabilities with third-party tools. I've seen many different types of hacks appear and disappear throughout the years. It's quite obvious and undeniable that hacking/botting Blaze Wizards, Kinesis and Blasters are using some sort of full map attack combined with no delay attacking. So why haven't they done something about it for the past year(s)?

    Every time a lot of changes negatively impact legitimates more than the cheaters themselves which are either hackers or players that control the Black Market. Your suggestion basically supports hackers and cheaters of the Black Market. It's the complete opposite of protecting the legitimate players. The market will be plagued by the sudden inflation of potential equipment because Meisters are removed. It was a good start for the opening statement of how you wanted to combat against botters, but it's going in the wrong direction and I want you to notice that.

    But, I find that absolutely pathetic on Nexon's part too that even if they've put their full effort, it still sadly hasn't been enough. More needs to be done if anything wants to be solved for the current hacking and Black Market situation.
  • Member Kylehell007
    Reactions: 1,295
    Posts: 142
    edited June 2017
    I understand your point, but it also does work both ways. it can be both beneficial or negatively impacting. I don't want to start any kind of controversy or arguments over the black market and obscene hackers because that's just asking for trouble from them. If nexon cant control them that obviously means they quit trying or alliance with them. I was just looking for some input hope I didn't start something bigger.
  • Member Its2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
    Posts: 884
    edited June 2017
    I understand your point, but it also does work both ways. it can be both beneficial or negatively impacting. I don't want to start any kind of controversy or arguments over the black market and obscene hackers because that's just asking for trouble from them. If nexon cant control them that obviously means they quit trying or alliance with them. I was just looking for some input hope I didn't start something bigger.

    If we were to remove Meisters completely it would only help benefit the rich and botters by making a bigger profit.

    I honestly believe that in order to make your suggestion happen to stop botters benefiting from items is to completely remove it from training areas. Make Elite Monsters and Bosses exclusive to making training better.

    And then putting all item rewards into content unrelated to grinding such as bosses, and dailies. This can include Commerci, Gollux, Root Abyss, or making a whole new content itself. That way the rates will go down due to the lack of bots influencing the market, but still make it available for legitimate players.

    Besides from the obvious patching their hacks there's really no other way. The only reason why botters go after items because it can be farmed easily. Removing it from the system without a replacement hurts legitimate players more than the botters because all they do is go to the next best thing. Legitimate players on the other hand will lose something valuable without content supplementation or replacement.

    A good example would be Star Planet. Sure it was full of botters. But there was no replacement and legitimate players suffered more in the end by trying to make ends meet with the only things we have left. Monster Collection, Bosses, and Sudden Missions.
  • Member, Private Tester Unforgivennn
    Reactions: 1,555
    Posts: 209
    Member, Private Tester
    edited June 2017
    Just keep as it is, its not easy to obtain and low tier up rate as well...