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When are we getting newer (higher) resolutions

Reactions: 520
Posts: 2
edited December 2017 in Tech Support
Do I need to say it's almost 2018 and the game is stuck on 720p. Even with that game is pretty laggy. When are we gonna get some performance improvements?
  1. Do you feel the game would be much better with higher resolution?9 votes
    1. Yes
       56% (5 votes)
    2. No
       44% (4 votes)


  • YakudleYakudle
    Reactions: 2,085
    Posts: 200
    edited December 2017
    you need to understand that maplestory its a game from 2003 not 2018 in order to change the resolution the developers need to invest their time and resources on the new skeleton system while the original code for 2D remains stable at best
    look for example they "updated" mushroom shrine but they left a link to showa its a map with a few errors in there but its not that bad
    the branch of nexon in america actually has a group that changed the code many times (not for the better i think) but probably in the future they will add more stuff related to that... by the way theres a few issues more important than higher res options