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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Mechanic AP Salvo Plus + Homing Beacon DPS loss
Mechanic's skill AP Salvo Plus has delay when holding it down and button mashing Homing Beacon, causing unstable DPS output by the class compared to only holding down AP Salvo Plus. I can't tell you what's the cause other than the possibility of AP Salvo shortly locking up if Homing Beacon is used without targets nearby, which is my thought, but any way to alleviate dps loss when holding down AP Salvo Plus while button mashing Homing Beacon would be appreciated.
Either way, the damage of AP Salvo Plus is terrible and by chance I would love to go in the regular mech mode, which however still sucks because the rockets deal better damage over this way.
Or in short: give us old mechanic back, they weren't that clunky at least.