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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
When a hacker is in the same room, I noticed that no rune will spawn nor will any elite monster will spawn. They are killing the same type of monster (even though illegally a lot). So why is that? I would pass by maps with them or just watching them a while trying to report them. Has anyone noticed this? Does the map know when a person is playing right or it's just me?
Loot is instanced. The reason you don't see any loot is because they're vac hacking it all before the timer (I think it's about 1 minute) allows you to see "ignored loot".
Wait... seriously...? Tell me you're joking. Is that the reason I for some reason see items in an area magically reappear even though I didn't kill anything (Like someone was in the room before I came in)?
I see! That is indeed good to know. However, I had this theory nagging at the back of my head after I got to a point where I see hackers more often. I was wondering if maybe the developers are leaving the hackers alone because they want all the legit people to move to maple story 2 and might shut maple story 1 down. It's been a theory that's nagging at me for quite some time. I know maybe the new content might hide that because they're always updating, but can't ignore the fact that people joining now is definitely a lot slower than the past.
Yep. That's exactly why you see that happening. Most likely when you entered the room, a hacker left it because the bot detected you.
After (I think) 1 minute, anyone can see or pick up your loot.
The only time this doesn't apply is in a party. Loot is instanced by party.
You can think of solo grind as just a 1 man party.
Maplestory 1 is a huge cash cow for Nexon. Maplestory 2 isn't even the same developers you can put that theory to bed.
Also look at the marketing history and content quality over the past year or two years.
Why would Nexon increase their spending to this level, only to close the game?
Well, just the trend of things. I have no doubt that maplestory is an awesome game, and actually pretty much surprisingly stood the test of time. Heck my sister told me this game should of went down hill back in 2009 because there were other games better than maplestory (which there was... if they didn't piss off a lot of players). However, when you put maplestory 1 with maplestory 2 and ask which one to join. With the trend of things, why would they go to maplestory 1. Sure! There's more events and more content on this one! I shall not doubt that, but this problem has been going on for ever since 2006 with hackers. I'll be honest, this game was not perfect when it first came out but..., when someone new reads about maplestory 1 and reading about there is still issues with it, and go to maplestory 2 with less issues. How can convince someone to keep playing here?
I will be talking with some friends, and when I mentioned maplestory, the response I get are mostly disapproving. "Yeah! That game still has hacker problems?", "Dude! You should try this game. Better community! Barely any complaints! Better security." It's like Runescape! Why would someone new play the original runescape when there was a better version of Runescape?
I see. However, is it dangerous to pick up loot that was the result of hackers? I usually let the loot disappear and clear the area again to reset the map.
Potentially, best avoid it if possible.
Maplestory 2 is a brand new game. (For the west). You shouldn't be comparing a game that has been running for over 10 years to a game that has barely been running a single month.
Part of the reason it has no issues is because it's too young to really have any. (Aside from a possible bad launch or game design. Which I don't think it suffers from either.)
Look at how popular Maplestory was when it launched. Compare THAT to Maplestory 2.
Maplestory 2 will die down, just like every other MMO always does. The question is, can it maintain like Maplestory has been able to?
Ultimately the two games shouldn't be compared at all, because they're nothing alike, other than Maplestory 2 borrowing some aspects from the original game.
No need to convince me buttercup! I am aware that comparing an old to a new game is unfair, but people will do it anyway. We are aware this game is around for 10 years, but a newbie wouldn't even care about that.
Of course, we know how popular maplestory 1 was. When I was there back than, it was massive. Not even maple story 2 can't possibly compare, but that's not what a new person looks at. Yeah, It probably will. But they are going to compare it regardless of an experienced players knowledge. To be honest, It's nice that maplestory 2 is not an exact copy. (To be honest, I saw a minecraft cop off at first when I saw it) LOEL! comparison XD. I think it's human nature to compare things. To be fair, there is a double sword to trying to convince someone to play. You can tell a newbie "You shouldn't compare maplestory 1 and 2." Could be seen in both negative and positive if not treated correctly. In the end, you might come off as.... "OLD".... XD
Hold your horses Terrorstreak! You got to give us some more details as to why? I mean what made you leave? Community? events? Why do you hate about it? Everything is WAY to vague. What was it you can't tolerate?
I agree with terror regarding MS2, maybe not with his sentiment but it isn't a unique experience like maplestory is. Progression and leveling isnt the same. The only thing that it has going for it is the graphics which even then seem more childish than 2D like MS