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Combo kills just don't seem right

Reactions: 1,245
Posts: 165
edited December 2018 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
I've noticed that how high you get your combo kill counter isn't really based on skill, its based on the layout of the area you are in. (Unless of course you are a hacker that teleports all round the area...)
You also usually lose your count if a bounty hunter portal or an elite mob appears.
I'm really not sure what the point of this is. To encourage people to grind in specific maps and ignore portals and elite mobs?

To fix it, I would try something like:
Increase the time is takes before it expires a small amount (unless you are going to do something about the huge number of maps with substandard spawns (unlikely, that would be a lot of work)).
Stopping the counter from expiring while a portal is open/being used and for a short period after.
Stopping the counter from expiring while you are damaging an elite mob/boss.


  • AKradianAKradian
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    edited December 2018
    Combo counter does, in fact, freeze when you go into a portal.
    However, if you dally too long in the portal's exit map, then you will lose your combo.
  • YinYangXYinYangX
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    edited December 2018
    HousePet wrote: »
    I've noticed that how high you get your combo kill counter isn't really based on skill, its based on the layout of the area you are in. (Unless of course you are a hacker that teleports all round the area...)
    You also usually lose your count if a bounty hunter portal or an elite mob appears.
    I'm really not sure what the point of this is. To encourage people to grind in specific maps and ignore portals and elite mobs?

    To fix it, I would try something like:
    Increase the time is takes before it expires a small amount (unless you are going to do something about the huge number of maps with substandard spawns (unlikely, that would be a lot of work)).
    Stopping the counter from expiring while a portal is open/being used and for a short period after.
    Stopping the counter from expiring while you are damaging an elite mob/boss.

    No, it's based on your skill on how well you can manage your job's attack/clear pattern.
    No, you only lose your count in a bounty portal if you stay longer than 20s on the rewards/conclusion map.
    No, you only lose your count when an elite mob appears if you take too long to kill it without killing any other mob.

    No, the point is to give players who have the skill and know how to keep their combo count up bonus exp.
    No, you don't need to increase the timer for the count to expire, I've gone to 200 count on the tree map in Tynerum which only has like 10 stationary mobs and in Von Leon's Castle where some of the maps only like less than 10 mobs. Again, issue isn't the combo system, it's your lack of skill/management.

    The counter does stop "from expiring while a portal is openbeing used and for a short period after". You just waste too much time afterwards that you don't notice that your counter expired.

    No, you are still on the map and there's nothing stopping you from / forcing you to not kill the other monsters. Like you said, you have the option "to grind in specific maps and ignore portals and elite mobs". So what's preventing you from ignoring it for 3s to go kill another monster to keep your combo counter going? That's just negligence on combo management or overconfidence in your elite monster clear time. Also, the counter stops from expiring during the time you summon and defeat an elite boss, the reward stage afterwards, and short window where the monsters respawn.
  • HousePetHousePet
    Reactions: 1,245
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    edited December 2018
    Well I can't see the invisible countdown, so I've had to guess this. I don't even know how long it takes to expire.
    But some of the larger maps seem to be really bad for mob placement as far as keeping to counter running. Perhaps your experience with the game means you avoid some of those maps?
    Mostly playing a Wild Hunter, so when fighting an elite mob I can't really see what is going on. (And the Jaguar is crap to control...)
    Still never seen an elite boss, but its good to hear they freeze it for that.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited December 2018
    HousePet wrote: »
    Well I can't see the invisible countdown, so I've had to guess this. I don't even know how long it takes to expire.
    But some of the larger maps seem to be really bad for mob placement as far as keeping to counter running. Perhaps your experience with the game means you avoid some of those maps?
    Mostly playing a Wild Hunter, so when fighting an elite mob I can't really see what is going on. (And the Jaguar is crap to control...)
    Still never seen an elite boss, but its good to hear they freeze it for that.

    So long as you can see the combo counter from the previous kill, your combo is still safe.
    It will slowly float upwards until it fades away, if this happens, your combo is lost.
  • HousePetHousePet
    Reactions: 1,245
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    edited December 2018
    I just realised, I'm frequently doing weird actions to get the pet to pick up loots.
    That probably isn't helping...
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited December 2018
    HousePet wrote: »
    I just realised, I'm frequently doing weird actions to get the pet to pick up loots.
    That probably isn't helping...

    Loot lasts for awhile, either pick it up on a second loop or grab more pets.
    Annoying, but it's about the only thing you can do.
  • Instinct9001Instinct9001
    Reactions: 545
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    edited December 2018
    YinYangX wrote: »
    HousePet wrote: »
    I've noticed that how high you get your combo kill counter isn't really based on skill, its based on the layout of the area you are in. (Unless of course you are a hacker that teleports all round the area...)
    You also usually lose your count if a bounty hunter portal or an elite mob appears.
    I'm really not sure what the point of this is. To encourage people to grind in specific maps and ignore portals and elite mobs?

    To fix it, I would try something like:
    Increase the time is takes before it expires a small amount (unless you are going to do something about the huge number of maps with substandard spawns (unlikely, that would be a lot of work)).
    Stopping the counter from expiring while a portal is open/being used and for a short period after.
    Stopping the counter from expiring while you are damaging an elite mob/boss.

    No, it's based on your skill on how well you can manage your job's attack/clear pattern.
    No, you only lose your count in a bounty portal if you stay longer than 20s on the rewards/conclusion map.
    No, you only lose your count when an elite mob appears if you take too long to kill it without killing any other mob.

    No, the point is to give players who have the skill and know how to keep their combo count up bonus exp.
    No, you don't need to increase the timer for the count to expire, I've gone to 200 count on the tree map in Tynerum which only has like 10 stationary mobs and in Von Leon's Castle where some of the maps only like less than 10 mobs. Again, issue isn't the combo system, it's your lack of skill/management.

    The counter does stop "from expiring while a portal is openbeing used and for a short period after". You just waste too much time afterwards that you don't notice that your counter expired.

    No, you are still on the map and there's nothing stopping you from / forcing you to not kill the other monsters. Like you said, you have the option "to grind in specific maps and ignore portals and elite mobs". So what's preventing you from ignoring it for 3s to go kill another monster to keep your combo counter going? That's just negligence on combo management or overconfidence in your elite monster clear time. Also, the counter stops from expiring during the time you summon and defeat an elite boss, the reward stage afterwards, and short window where the monsters respawn.

    A lot of emphasis on skill seems like a stretch.

    It is not based only on your skill and management of job attack/clear pattern, this can be significantly mitigated with being able to afford a frenzy totem, or buying frenzy service, or kishin service, or certain classes easier mob moves (i.e. marksman just stands there and clear half map at a time), making losing your combo count very hard. Minimal skill required.
    Again with you refuting the suggestion of increases expire time or increases spawn rate, does skill come into play when you don't know how to optimize your map clears but you have frenzy so it doesn't matter?

    Seems like flawed reasons for rejecting his suggestions, as these sorts of points only apply to unfunded players and certain classes.
  • AznboiEAznboiE
    Reactions: 3,445
    Posts: 519
    edited December 2018
    It's based on skill when you compare it to Multi Kills.

    Combo Kill EXP is geared more towards classes that have lower mob count with their skills but can hit faster and/or with a shorter distance. This is especially good for classes with a hurricane skill that's strong enough to 1hko mobs. A low damaging button mash skill works too, like Hayato's Rai Senranzen and Aran's swing skills.

    Multi-Kill exp is for those classes with FMA (full map attack) skills with high attack range and slower attacking speed or low mobility, who have to chase mobs if they want to make their combo go up faster. Multi Kill EXP is only gained when hitting 3 or more monsters, and most classes with a hurricane skill have mobbing skills that hit up to only 8 monsters max. Luckily almost all classes come with at least 1 half or 1 full map attack most likely with a cooldown so they could at least get a 10+ multi-kill every now and then (the most possible exp gained from a multi-kill and requires 10+ mobs killed at one time).

    I believe the rate an elite spawns is much faster if you're efficient enough with both a hurricane and (low or 0 cooldown) full map skill in your kit.
  • YinYangXYinYangX
    Reactions: 3,995
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    edited December 2018
    A lot of emphasis on skill seems like a stretch.

    It is not based only on your skill and management of job attack/clear pattern, this can be significantly mitigated with being able to afford a frenzy totem, or buying frenzy service, or kishin service, or certain classes easier mob moves (i.e. marksman just stands there and clear half map at a time), making losing your combo count very hard. Minimal skill required.
    Again with you refuting the suggestion of increases expire time or increases spawn rate, does skill come into play when you don't know how to optimize your map clears but you have frenzy so it doesn't matter?

    Seems like flawed reasons for rejecting his suggestions, as these sorts of points only apply to unfunded players and certain classes.

    Mainly did "A lot of emphasis on skill" since the op made it "A lot of emphasis on no skill".
    "No, the point is to give players who have the skill and know how to keep their combo count up bonus exp." If using a frenzy/kishin helps keeps your combo counter up, I believe that qualifies under "know how", but hey, can't say anything if you disagree.

    Haven't played every class, but pretty sure most of them have some sort of flash jump/teleport, so if you happened to "clear half map at a time" and then can't make it to the other half in time, seems like that's poor management/planning on your end.
    Again, if "you don't know how to optimize your map clears" but you have frenzy/kishin, that's taking actions to make up for that lack of knowledge/ignorance, hence know how. And if you want to keep mentioning that, go tell the op that all s/he has to do is get frenzy. Simple, everyone's problem solved according to you.

    I'm an unfunded player who's been free to play since I started and given, yes, I main a NW which is probably one of the more mobile jobs, within the time I've played the other classes for links/legion, I've yet to find one where I just can't keep combo up, albeit they're slow to get the counter up, but rarely not able to keep up combo at all.
  • SlicedTimeSlicedTime
    Reactions: 1,720
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    edited December 2018
    I don't think the combo system was ever supposed to have a high skill requirement. In my eyes, its high emphasis on map traversal is the whole point on the system, though it clearly puts certain classes at a disadvantage in some maps. I think the system is fine enough as it is.

    However, I have some gripes about it. It can be a bit tedious on buff heavy classes to keep the combo up. If you want to rebuff, you don't have enough time to cast your complete buff roster. Instead, you have to cast one skill macro, kill a monster, cast the next macro, and kill again. This continues until you're completely rebuffed. While that's completely manageable, it's also mildly inconvenient and tedious.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited December 2018
    AznboiE wrote: »
    It's based on skill when you compare it to Multi Kills.

    Combo Kill EXP is geared more towards classes that have lower mob count with their skills but can hit faster and/or with a shorter distance. This is especially good for classes with a hurricane skill that's strong enough to 1hko mobs. A low damaging button mash skill works too, like Hayato's Rai Senranzen and Aran's swing skills.

    Multi-Kill exp is for those classes with FMA (full map attack) skills with high attack range and slower attacking speed or low mobility, who have to chase mobs if they want to make their combo go up faster. Multi Kill EXP is only gained when hitting 3 or more monsters, and most classes with a hurricane skill have mobbing skills that hit up to only 8 monsters max. Luckily almost all classes come with at least 1 half or 1 full map attack most likely with a cooldown so they could at least get a 10+ multi-kill every now and then (the most possible exp gained from a multi-kill and requires 10+ mobs killed at one time).

    I believe the rate an elite spawns is much faster if you're efficient enough with both a hurricane and (low or 0 cooldown) full map skill in your kit.

    From a game design perspective, I believe this is why Combo kills give much more EXP than multi-kills.
    It's an attempt to help classes that kill slower because of less targets keep up with classes that can easily kill a map with a press of a button.
  • YinYangXYinYangX
    Reactions: 3,995
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    edited December 2018
    SlicedTime wrote: »
    I don't think the combo system was ever supposed to have a high skill requirement. In my eyes, its high emphasis on map traversal is the whole point on the system, though it clearly puts certain classes at a disadvantage in some maps. I think the system is fine enough as it is.

    However, I have some gripes about it. It can be a bit tedious on buff heavy classes to keep the combo up. If you want to rebuff, you don't have enough time to cast your complete buff roster. Instead, you have to cast one skill macro, kill a monster, cast the next macro, and kill again. This continues until you're completely rebuffed. While that's completely manageable, it's also mildly inconvenient and tedious.

    ^Been there, still doing that. xd
    NW, two full macroes plus 6 active hot keys. Cast Dark Omen/Cygnus Phalanx, macroes, quintuple throw kill, 6 actives.

    And if you think that's tough, try holding a conversation while trying to keep up combo, where every time you click enter to chat, what ever you previously trying to type gets erased. (semi-joking, but have been in the situation where I'm trying to hold multiple conversation between chats while trying to keep up combo)
  • AKradianAKradian
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    edited December 2018
    I am always losing my combo because I have to pause to make space in inventory, or chat (in-game, or Discord).
    I would like it if the kill combo behaved like Aran's Combo, which has a gradual decay rather than dropping instantly to 0 if you're even one second too slow.