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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Intense Power Crystals Complaint
Hallo Maplestory Team, hallo Maplers,
I'd like to sell my Intense Power Crystals in FreeMarket but it seems the amount being able to be sold is limited each week (teach me otherwise if I'm mistaken) forcing us to sell only the most profitable Power Crystals and throw the rest away due to lag of inventory space (how about a 40 slot Power Crystal Bag?).
Why is that?
Kind of makes the Crystals useless to some extent. Wouldn't it be better to just let us sell what we loot no matter how many crystals we collected?
Thank you for your awesome continuous work on this game,
If this was designed as an anti-hack/bot thing, I don't see how it could help much, seeing as the 60 limit is per-character.