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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Gnarled Wooden Keys and other boss Keys
I agree with your second point. If it's trivial to get the item again(root abyss keys, dream key for cygnus, keys for gollux) then just have it as a permanent etc item, like the dragon king's relic and whatever the horntail one is called.
Some bosses don't need keys, some bosses have keys that you don't even have to quest to get, other have you working to get the keys. Some bosses allow you to try as many times to beat them, others don't and still give you keys for them.
Can I also ask for some consistency on bosses? Every boss have some unique rule for the amount of times you can try to fight them or win against them. We need consistency.
What he's saying does have merit to it, consistency aside for the moment. If the keys/entry items are little or no cost to acquire on a daily basis, then why not simply make them permanent etc items that, so long as you have it in your inventory, you can freely enter the boss(within the usual constraints, of course).
Consistency feels like a tricky subject to tackle here, because each boss has their own sort of gimmick for entering and/or starting the fight. If you're talking entry consistency, they sorted that with the tune-up update(that basically everyone thinks was a garbage update) and cut everything down to one clear per day regardless of difficulty. The higher-tier bosses(mostly the ones that give armor sets as rewards) are weekly clear which, in the case of the cygnus boss fight, could stand to be looked at changing to daily clear since that equipment set is no longer as desired as it once was.
But the daily quest is just accept it and get 5 free keys.
So, completely pointless key system.
I would prefer is every boss had the same procedure to access it (clear times are another beast entirely). Let's say you just need to have the prequest done in order to access the boss, no keys needed. Why do we need the Eye of Fire for Zakum, the scroll for Von Leon, the Marble for Pink Bean, and the keys for Root Abyss? Why is Easy Empress only accessed via queue instead of being an option in her portal? If all you needed was the prequest then you get to their portal, choose a difficulty and there you go.
This would be nice. Unfortunately, they shoe-horned in "lore" for accessing bosses at the time. Like "summoning" Zakum, bypassing a ward for VL, breaking the barrier for PB (which keeps resetting after you break it by some magical power), etc. If those could be changed to a one-time quest-related mechanic, that would really make the whole bossing system more efficient. Let's not mention how Cygnus keys are a chore.
Hence what I brought up about simply making these things permanent etc items, like the dragon king relic for magnus and the certificate of the dragon squad for horntail.