In the 9/8 Cash Shop Update, it was originally written that "All of the below Friendship and Relationship items can now be gifted to characters regardless of the gender of the respective characters," but this was shortly removed and an update message was posted: "When this post originally went live, it was stated the below Friendship and Relationship items could be gifted regardless of character gender. This was incorrect, and we are sorry for the error."
I would like to ask why this statement was revoked and what is preventing Nexon from allowing characters of the same gender to having a Relationship ring. Is this a coding issue or a morals issue? Will characters of the same gender ever be able to wear Relationship rings? Myself and many others were excited about the change to the gender rule for Relationship rings, and we are quite disappointed that the statement was taken back. I'm sure many would agree that we would like to be able to send Relationship rings to characters of the same gender.
I would like to further extend this question to the topic of in-game same gender marriage as well. Will we ever get to have marriage between characters of the same gender?