couldnt find a better picture of "pola sweater", it somehow isnt in the item list of the minerva Owl. even tho it was already released in gms in 2016. would be nice to see one of them in the near future
1. reaching as first Demon Slayer in the European Server lvl 250
2. Killing Chaos Pierre with my squad in EMS for the first time (as the second party of the server to archieve that). which was somehow even greater than any other bossing achievement, such as doing Lunas first Lucid kill and normal Damien kill.
3. doing some really fun stuff in EMS at its very earliest stage in 2007 and 2008. to much to sum it up quickly.
Short description of what your character is wearing:
Hat - Devil Horn's (anviled on my cra hat)
Face - Bloody Tears
Overall - Seraphim Suit
Shoes - Kerning Engineering School Shoes
Glove - Rock Chain Armlet
Cape - Shadow Peacemaker
Name Tag - Skull Label Ring
Weapon - Utgard Axe (anviled over my fafnix axe)
Shield - Black Force Shield (anviled over my force shield of extreme) And im even using the very fitting "Speed Demon" Title even tho it lost its stats long ago. Also my "Conqueror of Hell" Medal is fitting very nicely.
What look you're going for (theme):
I have this look since years already, way back in EMS. Back then there was no big roster of "darker" nx covers, you mosltly had to cover yourself in shiny colorfull equipment because that was what you where given from the europe staff . So i tried my best to make a contrast to that. Thats what the Punk in me wanted. :P
Now, in GMS we get a broat mass off perm nx items every month, and a few people running around in similar looks. But im going to stick with it anyways. It kinda became a recognizable trademark for my Character. And in the end, its a very fitting outfit for a Demon Slayer.