I like the game for .. the 3 hours I was allowed to enjoy it before having to return to my life of work then to come home only to find that Nexon once again put us on maintenance. As … (more)someone new to Maplestory I am... cautiously optimistic. Though I am not at all new to the MMO scene I know how companies are and need maintenance to keep the game up and running properly. I respect this but I also understand the frustration which is in turn shared my me a newer/ old returning player. I for one want to continue my adventures, but I would not lag to utter hell either. (less)
I don't need the best of the best gear anyway I just want something that is the closest to max I can without having to pour a bookoo of cash into the cash shop. I think most people can … (more)understand that, I am a WoW veteran so I have no problem with the grind. (less)
Well I just came back from a LONG Hiatus cause I saw the event and I just redownloaded it so I could try and see if the game was worth getting back into. So I am going into the game … (more)blind with zero friends to play with haven't picked a server even yet and... its down. Sad face* Oh well maybe by chatting in here I can get some tips and meet some people till it does come up. (less)