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Recent Content Feedback

Reactions: 355
Posts: 3
Administrator, Nexon
edited November 2016 in Vault
Hey Maplers!

We are very curious how you felt about our Halloween and other recently added content, so we would greatly appreciate it if you could answer the following questions :)

• What are your favorite parts of MapleStory’s last few content updates (For example: QoL changes, class rebalancing, Haunted Mansion, Secret Stories, Afterlands or MMF)?
• Do you enjoy story-driven content like Heroes of Maple and Secret Stories? If so, what are your thoughts on our newest story content?
• To you as a player, what is MapleStory’s biggest draw?
• What are your expectations for the quality of MapleStory’s localization?
• Does the localization of recent content fall short of, meet, or exceed those expectations?
• In recent updates, what do you feel we have handled well?
• What could we have handled better?

Thank you very much!


  • NeospectorNeospector
    Reactions: 9,760
    Posts: 2,146
    Volunteer Forum Moderator
    edited November 2016
    • I like the QOL changes, and I'm excited about the upcoming changes as well. Secret Stories and MMF were fun (although I suck at Bullet Hell-type games). Afterlands is really unique content with a good format, but many players (including myself) are stuck with the gold sack quest. It's either a bug, or please just tell us how to do it already.
    • I like story content more than anyone, and I'm excited for the Arcane River stuff. It might be worthwhile to tweak Masteria into something similar, especially after the blockbuster.
    • The biggest draw is probably the design of the game overall. The story is great for those who pay attention, and people enjoy the simplicity.
    • The quality is excellent, save for a few typos and text. It's hard to localize stuff properly, Nexon does a good job.
    • Localization has been getting better with each update. Mushroom Shrine Tales was handled especially well.
    • I feel in recent updates you've handled the actual content design well; no reliance on the cash shop for any recent events, and newer content that's somewhat rewarding (Wings of Fate, Afterlands EXP), and I would enjoy future content and updated content with good rewards (spell traces in the Root Abyss coin shop for Yggdrasil Runes, for example, I've made that suggestion on a few surveys).
    • I think a lot of the newer content was a bit buggy. That's to be expected, but a lot of the problems have been severe (I.E. getting stuck in Afterlands, getting locked out of the MMF, getting locked out of Maid to Order, etc). In addition, the number of bots has increased dramatically within the previous weeks. I know stuff is being looked into, but captchas might be nice (you could even design them to be unique, like selecting a specific Maplestory character out of an image or something). Finally, lag has been a big issue recently, although it was localized in the chat channels, the event hall, and the Dragon Rider maps. KMS recently removed excess old data, it might be wise to move this optimization into a closer update or do your own cleaning.
  • KingStarfireKingStarfire
    Reactions: 1,785
    Posts: 293
    edited November 2016
    I agree with Neo with the last point, the game could use some cleaning. Also I think the game could benefit a lot if high damage and competition was not the focus and bring the focus back to community. Ways I think this can be done if tweaking the potential system if not removing it completely so bosses will actually need multiple people to fight them. Maybe rewarding party play more. Also if it is possible fixing it so the Pantheon would link to every major town would help to encourage use of ships again, that is a great place to meet new people.
  • MrSpeedosMrSpeedos
    Reactions: 600
    Posts: 3
    edited November 2016

    • To you as a player, what is MapleStory’s biggest draw?
    You guys have a good core game, but constantly fail to meet expectations. Potentials there poor execution.

    • Does the localization of recent content fall short of, meet, or exceed those expectations?
    Falls short

    • In recent updates, what do you feel we have handled well?
    Nothing, stop banning legit players and get a better customer service, and actually ban the botters that infest this game. The game has even more lag,, the filler patches are terrible, events are rehashed, maybe revamp content that people enjoyed, like guild pq? make party quests more fun, worth doing? Make harder content?

    • What could we have handled better?
    You never handle anything correctly, our voices aren't heard you guys do whatever you like and hope we enjoy it.
  • FennekinFennekin
    Reactions: 2,941
    Posts: 471
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    • What are your favorite parts of MapleStory’s last few content updates (For example: QoL changes, class rebalancing, Haunted Mansion, Secret Stories, Afterlands or MMF)?
    I absolutely adored Secret Stories and the MMF Limbo Rhythm minigame (sorta misleading name for it though...) I'd love for there to be an actual bullet hell/shmup minigame in Maple. What I didn't really like about the MMF minigame was that it was too reliant on complete memorization of the stage rather than actually dodging/avoiding hazards. I admittedly never played a Touhou game, but the other bullet hell games I played (QP Shooting/Dangerous, Suguri/Sora, Bullet Heaven 1/2, Enter the Gungeon, etc.) had enough variation that you couldn't just use the exact same movement pattern for every run.

    • Do you enjoy story-driven content like Heroes of Maple and Secret Stories? If so, what are your thoughts on our newest story content?
    Hell yes. Heroes of Maple, IMO, should be how all main story content should be. That is, focusing on a set of characters rather than playing as your own character. I didn't really mind it for Secret Stories, since outside of Phantom, there weren't really any references to your character's identity (no combat, either, so I just stayed untransformed the whole time and also it's been over a year since I finished the last AB quest) which made it easier to pretend I was just a random explorer. I also really enjoyed the dialogue and personalities crafted (or built upon, for pre-existing characters like the Heroes and Chief Stan) for the characters, in both Heroes of Maple and Secret Stories. Seriously, awesome job.

    • To you as a player, what is MapleStory’s biggest draw?
    Cute graphics.

    • What are your expectations for the quality of MapleStory’s localization?
    Wish there were fewer grammatical errors and oversights (i.e. lines not getting translated).

    • Does the localization of recent content fall short of, meet, or exceed those expectations?
    Ehhhh, it was fine for the most part. Quite a few grammatical errors in Secret Stories that sorta broke immersion for a second, but nothing major.

    • In recent updates, what do you feel we have handled well?
    .................................uh..........Secret Stories didn't ever bug out on me? (though it did for other people). It was all great content, I just don't really think the release was handled very well lol.

    • What could we have handled better?
    Not serving a side of major bugs with your content...
  • TubaTuba
    Reactions: 3,175
    Posts: 373
    edited November 2016
    Sabina said:

    Hey Maplers!

    We are very curious how you felt about our Halloween and other recently added content, so we would greatly appreciate it if you could answer the following questions :)

    • What are your favorite parts of MapleStory’s last few content updates (For example: QoL changes, class rebalancing, Haunted Mansion, Secret Stories, Afterlands or MMF)?
    • Do you enjoy story-driven content like Heroes of Maple and Secret Stories? If so, what are your thoughts on our newest story content?
    • To you as a player, what is MapleStory’s biggest draw?
    • What are your expectations for the quality of MapleStory’s localization?
    • Does the localization of recent content fall short of, meet, or exceed those expectations?
    • In recent updates, what do you feel we have handled well?
    • What could we have handled better?

    Thank you very much!
    So I'm going to respond to the questions slightly out of order in a long paragraph. Just a disclaimer I'm not trying to attack anyone, and I have respect for Sabina as he/she has helped me before on here (I can never tell the gender of nexon employees lol). Although some other mod might find a way to give me another warning with some really 'reaching' reason, as OneLetter gave me, which I'm not going to into detail, but it was honestly just a low blow lol. And the private chat I had with OneLetter a week or two ago was really eye opening of how some of these employees operate.
    But now with that being said, I can't tell you what to do improve or better the game other than get better or more knowledgeable employees/employees that aren't lazy and will do their job. I say this since Nexon employees have still failed to fix the haunted mansion quests, and at this point probably won't before the event is over, so the players who have the bugged quest preventing them from finishing the questline will miss out on the content. This is really frustrating because this event was working for some people and it was bugged for a bunch of other people, and I was told the issue was being looked into but I doubt it ever was looked into because fixing 1 quest shouldn't take several weeks. I'm not sure if the Afterlands quests are fixed either, but Afterlands has FANTASTIC music and a pretty cool storyline and the land of contemplation was my favorite. So I did like the concept of the Afterlands, although that was also bugged and I couldn't complete it with the 2 locks I had left, and when I logged on to try to see if it was fixed or not, all my locks were back and I would have to restart the whole thing. But the one thing I did enjoy were the Secret Stories quests. It was really cool to see how each story played out, and being able to pick different scenario to change the story up. The music was really awesome as well. But one thing I think you should do is I really think you should test content multiple times and make sure it's perfect before putting it out. I know bugs happen, but I'm an old player and I don't remember content being as bugged as it is currently. Almost everything you are putting out has some kind of bug, like it's not being tested before releasing. There's so many bugs not just with new quests, but with older features in the game, like the crusader codex, as some monsters don't seem to drop their card anymore. And with this migration coming up who knows how buggy things will get.

    EDIT** Added additional stuff to avoid 'double posting'
    MrSpeedos said:

    • To you as a player, what is MapleStory’s biggest draw?
    You guys have a good core game, but constantly fail to meet expectations. Potentials there poor execution.

    • Does the localization of recent content fall short of, meet, or exceed those expectations?
    Falls short

    • In recent updates, what do you feel we have handled well?
    Nothing, stop banning legit players and get a better customer service, and actually ban the botters that infest this game. The game has even more lag,, the filler patches are terrible, events are rehashed, maybe revamp content that people enjoyed, like guild pq? make party quests more fun, worth doing? Make harder content?

    • What could we have handled better?
    You never handle anything correctly, our voices aren't heard you guys do whatever you like and hope we enjoy it.
    I think what you said in your reply really hits home, and my post doesn't even being to explain the amount of issues this game has acquired over the years of constantly hiring terrible employees, and no one saying anything about some of the terrible staff really makes it worse.
    I was talking to the mod who gave me a warning, and we were discussing the warning, and after I called him out for the reaching excuse, literally the way he didn't even bother to reply to what I had said because he knows its true is TELL TALE. And regardless of it being 'justified' which it wasn't, calling what someone's ideas idiotic are not the same thing as calling THEM idiotic. We have the forums for a reason, and that is to express our different view points. I'm not sure how to share pictures as they have changed the forums up once again so here's the link of the chat I had with him recently.

  • ToymakerToymaker
    Reactions: 1,530
    Posts: 48
    edited November 2016
    • What are your favorite parts of MapleStory’s last few content updates (For example: QoL changes, class rebalancing, Haunted Mansion, Secret Stories, Afterlands or MMF)?
    Pass. I haven't really tried any new content besides Haunted Mansion. So I can't give any answer here.

    • Do you enjoy story-driven content like Heroes of Maple and Secret Stories? If so, what are your thoughts on our newest story content?
    I enjoy story-driven content and have tried my hand on Heroes of Maple. I think there should be an option to team up with others but also offer the solo option for those who prefer it. Maybe give greater rewards for being cooperative?

    • To you as a player, what is MapleStory’s biggest draw?
    Being able to take on content like Tower of Oz.

    • Does the localization of recent content fall short of, meet, or exceed those expectations?
    It falls short.

    • What could we have handled better?
    1. Optimize the game. Less lag, remove content that should have been removed, and allow other players who were NOT able to play it before, to be able to play it again.

    2. Better customer support. I was banned because I died way too fast (thanks to the 1-day respawn token). I was looked at as guilty and lost NX that I used to buy passes for Sengoku High and bypass keys.

    3. Pan out events so it does NOT clutter up. Way too many events right now. Lords of darkness, crown stacking, afterlands, secret stories, RPS Zakum, moon bunnies, etc. Plus the overlap of Gauntlet and Moon Bunnies is just.. poorly done.

    4. Make events like RPS Zakum and Moon Bunnies NOT a chore. In order to max out on coins, we'd have to ideally participate as much as possible for 4-5 hours of the moon bunny pop-ups. These events are more chore than fun. I don't want to wait around for 4-5 hours to max out and get as much coins as possible while constantly interrupting my grinding, FMing, etc.
    Increase rewards, decrease maximum entries.

    I feel that Nexon has been out of touch with the player base for a long time. You guys do listen to us (but rarely).
  • こころこころ
    Reactions: 635
    Posts: 9
    edited November 2016
    • What are your favorite parts of MapleStory’s last few content updates?
    QoL updates and Secret Stories.

    • Do you enjoy story-driven content like Heroes of Maple and Secret Stories? If so, what are your thoughts on our newest story content?
    I enjoy ones that are well written and have an interesting or entertaining backstory, particularly if there are good rewards. Maid to Order in Secret Stories was my idea of entertaining, and the android reward was very nice. I didn't enjoy the glitch that came with it though, especially as it has been ignored so far (if you time out or dc while doing the button mash tasks in part 5, your character is glitched and not only stuck in that map, but also cannot complete the story at all after that).

    • To you as a player, what is MapleStory’s biggest draw?
    The pretty visuals.

    • What are your expectations for the quality of MapleStory’s localization?
    Decent translations and proofread dialogue.

    • Does the localization of recent content fall short of, meet, or exceed those expectations?
    The translations were acceptable but there were many grammatical and spelling errors.

    • In recent updates, what do you feel we have handled well?

    • What could we have handled better?
    Fixing bugs, or at the very least, not leaving players in the dark about them. Also, detailed patch notes like we used to get. The new "simplified" patch notes are not helpful at all, and is essentially the same as just looking at the in-game Event Tab (barring the fact that the dates do not align properly).

    Some particularly disastrous bugs that are still yet to be fixed include the Cash Shop glitch that affected many players right after the update (items would duplicate and make the player's inventory hit "cap", even though those fake duplicates weren't real items, and they cannot purchase anything from the CS); the extreme lag in Event Hall, which is ridiculous as one of these events depends on NPC in the event hall (event hall lag was fixed years ago - why's it back now??); and well, a ton of other things in the Bug Forum. It's depressing that a lot of the reports have merely been ignored.
    Similarly, I did not receive the replacement Bichon Paw Staff weapon. After sending a ticket about it, they said they will forward the issue to the relevant people and contact me when it's ready. I'm still waiting on the reply. I don't understand why the game team couldn't just change back the item ID to what it was meant to be or whatever - this distribution of compensation is just messy and didn't even cover everyone.
  • Bahamut_XBahamut_X
    Reactions: 1,080
    Posts: 35
    edited November 2016
    Keeping my thoughts in order to the very questions at hand will be tricky.

    Of the recent updates, how far back do you want to hear? Not a fan of condensed patch notes, or notes where there is content that appears without notice. Unfortunately there have been times where I have been curious about how lazy the developers were during RED and beyond. I don't see much inspiration these days, just a case of sizzling without the trappings of a good barbecue (i.e. actual food).

    First thing that came to mind is the Haunted Mansion revamp. I just didn't care for it at all. Something about both the change in content and layout felt much like the Alien content of Masteria as an unwanted mess. I would have gladly taken a repeat of the Madhouse over the event. Even the events from when MapleStory first started had more flavour.

    Could also argue the same thing for Chryse being converted from a nice little area to visit to a lacklustre party quest. Segue into another little thought with the current set of party quests looking more like a poorly tended graveyard. The cross world party quest is a nice idea but looks like a condemned prisoner walking the last steps. Of course that also leads to the lack of fun the party quests seem to have these days.

    On the other hand, Secret Stories was actually a nice change of pace. I do like taking a run through lore from time to time and it felt like something that would have been better as content to go with the old Madhouse event. Though the "Blockbuster" format concept is starting to get rather ragged with overuse.

    Maple Music Festival, I'm sorry that bit of content was just terrible. I just did not care for it at all between the bullet hell and overabundance of etc. drops clogging the inventory. Could also say the same for MapleRunner.

    The thanksgiving event unfortunately is another that happens to fall short in execution and timing. Executing the same event ad infinitum and would have been more in line if it was aimed to be about a month long given the time of when the two holidays happen in Canada and the US.

    About the classes to date, the best one I could speak for would be Fire/Poison and Battle Mage. The F/P feels like someone in Korea forgot about poison and relied too much on fire. I hated teleport mastery and the addition of final attack as current mechanics for both sets of arch mages. Given with fifth job coming soon, I'm not endeared either to seeing another fiery skill in my loadout. The general fifth job skill for thieves feels like it would have been a better fit with the damage over time element. In other words, had more fun as a master of hell without the excessive emphasis on being a pyromaniac.

    As for the overall changes with the skill Magic Guard, the change to toggle felt like it should have been done before the "normalization" of the buffs. The time where the skill had a 6 minute duration felt like someone was asleep at the helm.

    The battle mage to me felt like someone was lazy and called it in while sick. I have the least amount of fun with said class due to the current mechanics feeling like the designer did it while on a hangover after finishing a night out at a dance club. To be honest, the concept is one where the paperwork does not fit the reality for some players.

    The world tour event was nice, though there were some ugly things about it. Namely the bullfighting event which some classes could cheese through with certain skills. The other mini-game from the event being pinball felt like a reskinned version of an event we had some time ago. Ugly thing about it is being less like a few tables from the eras of either mechanical or solid state and more like a wood rail machine without flippers.

    Some of the boss changes like Magnus adding damage over time or the 30 second revival counter as quality of life? Quality of life with those two changes alone feels like a real detriment for those who don't have the best equipment to work with. There have been times before the recent update to reduce the client size where said mechanic would mean one life gone before even getting to the boss due to lagging on entry.

    Now it feels like either bosses can have mechanics that either work well for a bullet hell shooter; they rely on enough mechanics that rely on the abuse of one hit kills; or cheap combinations of stun and percentage of health attacks. Some of the patterns used by Magnus and other recent bosses feel like there is a struggle due to enough garbage on screen to even recover progress.

    What initially drew me into MapleStory was the art and simplicity. I have played other games that tried to emulate the formula as a side scrolling MMORPG and failed in certain aspects of execution. Maple to this day still has a charm that has kept me playing since the English beta went into service.

    On localization efforts, I would say it happens to be hit or miss. Some of the more recent content from Korea feels like it hits the wrong target like having areas that are too flat or not really targeting the levels that are missing content. Other pieces will miss to the point where either it is abused or neglected to the point where finding a Burning Area at maximum level is not much of a challenge.

    Maybe one could consider having some of the Korean developers take time to play GMS out in the field. What works for a smaller region doesn't always work for a larger one. Perhaps trying to pick the minds of some of the private server developers on the tactics they use to deter botters. I would even suggest hiring those on whose methods are more kin to a white or grey hat hacker. Sure Korea might hate it, but there are times where it is easier fighting fire with fire.

    That is all I can think of given I was stretched over a few hours of thoughts that bubbled up.
  • chaoscauserchaoscauser
    Reactions: 4,740
    Posts: 596
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    Sabina said:

    Hey Maplers!

    We are very curious how you felt about our Halloween and other recently added content, so we would greatly appreciate it if you could answer the following questions :)

    • What are your favorite parts of MapleStory’s last few content updates (For example: QoL changes, class rebalancing, Haunted Mansion, Secret Stories, Afterlands or MMF)?
    • Do you enjoy story-driven content like Heroes of Maple and Secret Stories? If so, what are your thoughts on our newest story content?
    • To you as a player, what is MapleStory’s biggest draw?
    • What are your expectations for the quality of MapleStory’s localization?
    • Does the localization of recent content fall short of, meet, or exceed those expectations?
    • In recent updates, what do you feel we have handled well?
    • What could we have handled better?

    Thank you very much!
    Class "rebalancing" Angelic Buster seems ridiculously weak from what I have found, new sound effects are nice. QOL changes are great I was just disappointed a bit that the party play areas are only for lower levels. I want to see more party quest incentives and making PQing one of the best ways to level up like it used to be. Maybe give reward points for pqing and bossing together or other nice rewards. MMF I didn't have time to do way to many events at the same time...

    Removing star planet like removing any content is negative.

    The chat filter is still bad

    Wedding system seems silly to be an NX based thing

    Fishing is pretty bland . I love monster collection although the whole rng factor and not being in level range makes it harder seems silly....

    I really enjoyed secret stories (although it still has a few grammar issues) and the haunted mansion quest lines. Not had the chance to try Afterlands out yet though. The mushroom shrine story kind of bored me a little and I find Tengu frustrating to beat I feel I am getting input delay of some kind? (I still haven't beaten it)

    The biggest draw is the combat and the storyline content for me as well as the vast amount of classes to play and interesting bosses.

    My expectations on the quality of localization are they will never be perfect because they rarely are.

    Localization is mostly fine but it's not perfect like I said above

    The forums and new site and presentation of the patch previews.

    What could you have handled better?The new patch notes are frustrating go back to detailed ones.... and stop ninja nerfing things like reward points from monster collection and the rune changes..... what reason is there for them to not even spawn in lower maps? If I am a 18x Beast Tamer surely what's wrong with them spawning in mutant snails for instance? Also you made 0 notification about this on patch notes.. Better communication, more resources in bug fixing.

    You also removed Mr Lee and he doesn't even cause lag we have mentioned which npcs lag and why they lag the event hall.

    Also adding the captcha system from KMS on new chars might help with bots. I feel we should get additional options and content from EMS and also stuff we are missing like the auction house (its not bugged....) Hekaton we need ! it's another party play boss . We also need closed off content like crimsonwood pq and haunted mansion back (maybe as a high level theme dungeon?
  • PhantomMasterThiefPhantomMasterThief
    Reactions: 3,195
    Posts: 480
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    こころ said:

    • What could we have handled better?
    Fixing bugs, or at the very least, not leaving players in the dark about them. Also, detailed patch notes like we used to get. The new "simplified" patch notes are not helpful at all, and is essentially the same as just looking at the in-game Event Tab (barring the fact that the dates do not align properly).

    Some particularly disastrous bugs that are still yet to be fixed include the Cash Shop glitch that affected many players right after the update (items would duplicate and make the player's inventory hit "cap", even though those fake duplicates weren't real items, and they cannot purchase anything from the CS); the extreme lag in Event Hall, which is ridiculous as one of these events depends on NPC in the event hall (event hall lag was fixed years ago - why's it back now??); and well, a ton of other things in the Bug Forum. It's depressing that a lot of the reports have merely been ignored.
    Similarly, I did not receive the replacement Bichon Paw Staff weapon. After sending a ticket about it, they said they will forward the issue to the relevant people and contact me when it's ready. I'm still waiting on the reply. I don't understand why the game team couldn't just change back the item ID to what it was meant to be or whatever - this distribution of compensation is just messy and didn't even cover everyone.
    There are 2 Bug that bother me, because they are present for 3 YEARS! , Final cut and Carte rose finale are bugged on phantoms, for more then 3 YEARS!!!! , Final cut dosen't give you the buff if you miss a hit and goes on cooldown. The Cards from Carte rose finale do not stick onto the floor unless they hit a mob. final cut is supposed to give you the damage buff even if you do NOT hit any mob or use it in a blank space, The cards from Carte rose finale are supposed to stick onto the ground even if the skill Doe's NOT Hit any mob. Please Fix it Alreasy , i have sent Countlesss of tickets, i have wrote countless posts, on the Old and newm Forums NEXON NEEDS TO LISTEN THE THEIR PLAYERS!! , Because we play your game at the End of day!
  • 0romis0romis
    Reactions: 600
    Posts: 13
    edited November 2016

    • What are your favorite parts of MapleStory’s last few content updates (For example: QoL changes, class rebalancing, Haunted Mansion, Secret Stories, Afterlands or MMF)? I love the Europe Migration that is happening now. GMS is a lot better for FTP players and the game overall is better. I cant wait to try all this new content.

    • Do you enjoy story-driven content like Heroes of Maple and Secret Stories? If so, what are your thoughts on our newest story content?

    I dont know yet but i loved the blockbuster stories.

    • To you as a player, what is MapleStory’s biggest draw?

    It feels like a singe player game where everything is focused on getting the highest damage. I think the biggest problem for this is the Potential system I think it needs a big revamp or replaced. You are not supposed to solo bosses all by your own. Also I miss the good old Party quests from before the big bang. The current party quests are kind of boring and not rewarding enough compared to grinding. This has to change to let people play together again. Make party quest great again!.

    • What are your expectations for the quality of MapleStory’s localization?

    The translations were acceptable but there were many grammatical and spelling errors.

    • Does the localization of recent content fall short of, meet, or exceed those expectations?
    Its Okay can be better.
    • In recent updates, what do you feel we have handled well?
    Some great new stories.
    • What could we have handled better?
    More focus on multiplayer and less on damage.

  • KeepComingBackKeepComingBack
    Reactions: 2,960
    Posts: 214
    edited November 2016
    This is gonna sound a bit salty because every good thing has a downside to it.

    • What are your favorite parts of MapleStory’s last few content updates (For example: QoL changes, class rebalancing, Haunted Mansion, Secret Stories, Afterlands or MMF)?
    The QoL changes are what really gets me excited the most, although we still have a long way to go, it's nice to see that we're at least going in the right direction with optimization and general improvements of features within the game. I do like that there was some attention directed towards the marriage system, although I am still very disappointed in the new ring effects and how old rings didn't get their effects. There has not been an official word on that yet either.
    I miss Star Planet but I understand why it was removed, but I'm still mad that it was removed instead of fixed.
    • Do you enjoy story-driven content like Heroes of Maple and Secret Stories? If so, what are your thoughts on our newest story content?
    I really like the story content, although I wish Secret Stories wasn't timelimited. I haven't had a chance to play through it yet. I don't think that closing Haunted Mansion off to be a seasonal region after all these years was a good idea.
    • To you as a player, what is MapleStory’s biggest draw?
    The customization and various ways to progress within the game. The amount of character controlled that's allowed with it being a 2D sidescroller, as opposed to a click-attack game. It feels much more rewarding to control your character like this. There is also a lot of things to do depending on your mood, grind your brains out or do story content, or collect things, or be a merchant, practice bosses. The game itself has really improved content-wise and most of the content is achievable free-to-play as well.
    Now, if only we could make PQing popular again...
    • What are your expectations for the quality of MapleStory’s localization?
    I find the localization of most content to be pretty good and I appreciate how hard it is to translate witty lines to still be funny and make sense within the context. There are some grammatical errors... well, a lot. But I don't recall it having an overly negative effect on my experience. I should note that English is not my first language, though.
    • Does the localization of recent content fall short of, meet, or exceed those expectations?
    Pretty average, I'd say.
    • In recent updates, what do you feel we have handled well?
    Pretty acceptable maintenance-times.
    With the huge patches we've had, less things broke than expected.
    • What could we have handled better?
    Communication, communication, communication.
    1. The "issue" with namechanges wasn't addressed until the very last moment when people realized their names hadn't been changed. This makes it look like Nexon just blatantly forgot it and then made up an excuse to cover it up (made obvious by the fact that the namechanges wasn't even listed in the maintenance notes to begin with). If there had been an actual issue, I would have liked this to have been noted in there or anywhere else as to avoid disappointment and confusion. Same thing with the accidental lifting of the IP blocks. It somehow took TWO maintenances to reinstate the IP blocks, and nothing was said until the very last minute when people had already started investing in their accounts.
    2. The lag issue wasn't addressed AT ALL aside from a ninja-edit in one of the maintenance notices. Which by the way, was far too late. The community had to make a hotfix for themselves because nobody at Nexon seemed to give a crap. Not to mention this was during a 2X weekend. It should have been a priority to address and fix this issue as soon as possible. They were so very quick to reapply the outdated rigid word-filter (which by the way, is not optimized in the least and was later removed from the Better Maple section), everything else should be handled that swiftly.
    3. There is a flood of bugreports that are not being addressed either. KTBN does his best when he's around and feels like poking around in that pile of junk. Many people are having 3-4 similar issues and content is unusable because of these issues, yet there has been no word on them in weeks. Many of us feel that nothing gets looked at unless we make a big fuss about it or self-bump until the end of days.
    There was a suggestion about a more organized and transparent bugreporting system a while back, I feel like we could benefit from something like that.
    4. The patch notes and event details should be much more detailed to avoid confusion and unintentional exploiting. There was literally nobody crying out for "condensed" patchnotes to become a thing. Nobody wanted that. We wanted MORE information. More ACCURATE information.
    For example, the uncertainty around the Reboot Master-Class medal. Event ran for like a month and several GMs gave incorrect information on the matter. Finally, a week or two before the event ended, KTBN gave clarification on the event. And then there was still a mix-up with the distribution of rewards.
    All of this could have been avoided if the medal and its requirements had been listed in the patch notes to begin with.
  • BIackbeanBIackbean
    Reactions: 3,450
    Posts: 519
    edited November 2016
    • What are your favorite parts of MapleStory’s last few content updates (For example: QoL changes, class rebalancing, Haunted Mansion, Secret Stories, Afterlands or MMF)?
    Definitely fixing the guild + buddy chat

    • Do you enjoy story-driven content like Heroes of Maple and Secret Stories? If so, what are your thoughts on our newest story content?
    Didn't have enough time for secret stories.

    • To you as a player, what is MapleStory’s biggest draw?
    Social aspects and community as a whole

    • What are your expectations for the quality of MapleStory’s localization?
    To gain rank 1 in MMORPG and bring back players again

    • Does the localization of recent content fall short of, meet, or exceed those expectations?
    Meet expectations, finally fixed chat delay after 1 year.

    • In recent updates, what do you feel we have handled well?
    Definitely the optimization patch (fixing chats)

    • What could we have handled better?
    More transparency. The optimization patch was based off of KMS, it wasn't like GMS decided to help out the players. But everything is copied from KMS. GMS needs to work for the players to reach their needs before KMS releases something. We shouldn't just be taking KMS and instead the GMS Team should also improve the game through the players demands/ complaints/ raves & rants.
  • scholar624scholar624
    Reactions: 3,315
    Posts: 314
    edited November 2016
    • What are your favorite parts of MapleStory’s last few content updates (For example: QoL changes, class rebalancing, Haunted Mansion, Secret Stories, Afterlands or MMF)?

    My favorite recent additions to MapleStory included the QoL changes and the story-driven content (Heroes of Maple, Secret Stories). QoL modifications were justly needed for smoother gameplay, and providing overall ingame player satisfaction.

    • Do you enjoy story-driven content like Heroes of Maple and Secret Stories? If so, what are your thoughts on our newest story content?

    Implementing story driven content is a marvelous way of adding newer content by expanding on old. When executed well, gamers can further sympathize with a character or further detest them. Take for example our Heroes of Maple. After watching the ending, do you still fell the same when playing demon slayer or fighting/seeing Arkarium? I certainly did. Shade got his own happy ending while DS took his place as the most pitied character in MS.

    • To you as a player, what is MapleStory’s biggest draw?

    Not sure whether you mean draw as in appealing or draw as in drawback? Here's my answer to both.
    What appeals to be the most is the unique game design of Maplestory, a 2D MMORPG with a mixture of cute 8-bit animation mixed with flashy skills graphics and a colorful cast of characters each with different motives, backstories, and supporting cast. The biggest drawback for MS is perhaps the massive communication wall between developers and the community.

    • What are your expectations for the quality of MapleStory’s localization?

    Knowing the mass amount of time, effort, and amount of hands coded content passes through; it is understandable for some errors to slip through the cracks. It is not okay though for content to be so muddled with problems as to become entirely unplayable. A simple typo in dialog? Crude mistake, but forgivable. Unintentionally implementing bugs causing MS to crash regularly? Not so much...

    • Does the localization of recent content fall short of, meet, or exceed those expectations?

    Fell rather short. Often times, the game would be glitchy, lagging, or have bugged content become completely unplayable. I was entirely unable to enjoy Afterlands because my character was stuck in one area without any way nor guidance of how to continue. There was also the issue of server's chat ports causing periodic lag spikes.

    • In recent updates, what do you feel we have handled well?

    My hat is off to the writers who are capable of crafting such a versatile array of works ranging from slapstick comedy one-liners in Friendstory, to the heart-wrenching drama dialog shown in "Heroes of Maple" and "Black Heaven".

    • What could we have handled better?

    Outside of the aforementioned quality issue when it comes to implementing new content, another missed opportunity comes in the form of aesthetics. So many noteworthy soundtracks help perfect in setting the appropriate mood, but there could be more effort done in giving credit to such beautiful works of art out. Other than Promise of Heaven, Catch Your Dreams, and Eternal Breath, There really haven't been any much attention paid to the scores heard in MS.
  • forumsareannoyingforumsareannoying
    Reactions: 2,815
    Posts: 337
    edited November 2016
    Sabina, I appreciate your concern in asking us what we think about all those things but you are asking the wrong questions. Actually, there are hundreds of unanswered questions that we, the players, have asked Nexon and have yet to hear back from. As @KeepComingBack stated, communication is Nexon's biggest drawback. And even though I wanted to reply to all of your points, I feel you do not deserve a reply from me if everything I say gets ignored by Nexon anyways.
  • HardflipHardflip
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 11
    edited November 2016
    Hello, i liked the halloween events, and the crown crafting event. I also like the moon bunny event. I dont like the thanksgiving event because the turkeys dont spawn at high level mobs. The afterlands i didnt find very helpful and the secret stories are cool. Oh and i think the Food Fight event is kinda lame. Ive been playing since i was in grade 2, so quite a long time. A lot has changed here, and im excited too see where we will be going in the future.
  • TorpeTorpe
    Reactions: 420
    Posts: 6
    edited November 2016
    I just wish you guys fixed the lag in the event hall, or put the npcs from the events somewhere also beside the event hall, ATM i cant do the bunny jewel ring because the only way i can fuse gems is inside the hall, and this can be easily solves by copying the magical mortar bunny and putting him in some town
  • ASoggyRatASoggyRat
    Reactions: 740
    Posts: 54
    edited November 2016
    • What are your favorite parts of MapleStory’s last few content updates (For example: QoL changes, class rebalancing, Haunted Mansion, Secret Stories, Afterlands or MMF)?
    I like that there's content being added that actually requires the player to think. Many MMOs have hundreds or thousands of quests that are just "go kill x amount of y" or "go bring me x amount of y", but things like The Afterlands that actually make you think a little more and a very welcome addition in my opinion. Not only does it introduce a different type of content that feels fresh and new, it feels rewarding to actually accomplish something you have to work for, and not just kill 1000 of the same mob. I feel like content designed in this manner also encourages community participation as a whole, as demonstrated by there being discussion on the forums about how to get the keys or what to do. I'm sure this would take away the feeling of accomplishment for some, to simply look up what to do, and I do feel like there could have been a few more clues for some of the more obscure keys to earn, but overall it was a very well designed addition to the game.

    I also appreciate that classes are being constantly tweaked, re-balanced and revamped. This may be a standard thing in MMOs but I feel like developers often don't get enough credit for the amount of work that must go into constantly changing classes for better or worse, to make sure everything is useful in some way, especially in Maple where we have so many options for what we want to play. It's nice to have a reason to try out new classes or revisit some that are already high level, and to not just have older ones left behind.
    • Do you enjoy story-driven content like Heroes of Maple and Secret Stories? If so, what are your thoughts on our newest story content?
    Yes. I feel that story-focused content actually gives players a reason to slow down and take in the game's lore, and in many cases it being optional (skippable cutscenes, skipping through npc dialogue) means that players that don't care for lore and story can just bypass it all. The most recent story-driven content I've played through was The Afterlands, and Mushroom Shrine, both of which I thoroughly enjoyed the story of. Seeing the decisions our characters make actually affect the world around us feels involving and makes content seem more worthwhile to me, and I hope to see more story-driven content in the future.
    • To you as a player, what is MapleStory’s biggest draw?
    Almost everything about Maple makes it feel different from any other MMORPG I've played before. We have dozens of unique character classes with flashy skills that range from firing lasers to beating down monsters with a giant pink hammer (Twinkle, twinkle, in your face!). Theme dungeons that add leveling options that aren't just repeating the same quest several dozen times and contain unique (and funny) stories. Party quests with varying objectives and challenges that often require actual teamwork and communication to overcome. I could go on for quite a while with this one, because no matter how many times I take a break from Maple, there's always something that'll make me want to come back.
    • What are your expectations for the quality of MapleStory’s localization?
    Good translations. Being not far behind KMS would be ideal, but I'm aware this isn't always going to be possible. Content being translated correctly is something that I feel could be a big issue, but is generally done very well in Maple. There were some issues back when I used to play EMS (no offense intended to Nexon Europe, they mostly did an amazing job) but for the most part as long as content is understandable and there aren't any major glaring flaws in dialog, I'm okay with it.
    • Does the localization of recent content fall short of, meet, or exceed those expectations?
    As a player who recently returned to Maple from a break of playing EMS, and one that has been unable to login on the Europe server since migration, I've only done a small amount of the more recent content on the reboot server. But from what I saw in the Afterlands, everything seemed good. I didn't have any issues with being able to understand anything and it was very fun overall.
    • In recent updates, what do you feel we have handled well?
    Translations, overall quality of content, and giving feedback to the community on issues when they do arise. I'm unsure as to whether the story of theme dungeons and various other content is exactly identical in our region as to the gameplay in KMS, but if anything has been changed for us, I appreciate the hard work Nexon have put in to bring us this content. It's been very entertaining so far and I look forward to the V update and whatever comes next.
    • What could we have handled better?
    In terms of recent actual content updates, there isn't much I can think of that could've been improved on. My only gripe is with some temporary rewards from theme dungeons. I understand that having temporary medals, titles and equipment allows them to be much more powerful, and I respect the decision to do this. But I sometimes find myself disappointed to find that some cosmetic effects, such as damage skins, that are rewarded from this content are temporary and don't have a long duration. It would be nice to receive some more permanent rewards from these, even if they're only little things like carrying a heavy pink mushroom around on your back.