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This lag is ridiculous.

Reactions: 210
Posts: 13
edited February 2018 in Tech Support
So... yeah I'm trying to do Muto pq. With the on-going lag (that was only fixed for 1 day...) it was already hard enough to do. Now, this new event... lag+ chocolate being dropped... How da ** am I suppose to pick up the drops before it disappears? >.>. Also, I just live-chatted with a GM, who told me to do some "clean slate" thing to reduce?/ stop fix my problem? Has this worked for anyone? From what I can see, it's clearly a problem on their end... the answers they give are so dumb. I don't know about you, but I rather they take a week off maintenance to fix this damn lag for good. I hope they stop being a cheap af company by hiring the right people, and buying the right equipment... and thus, provide us with a game that we can actually play... but who am I kidding?


  • Dark20Dark20
    Reactions: 1,060
    Posts: 172
    edited February 2017
    Tell me about it. Nexon never does anything right.
  • bumbertyrbumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
    Posts: 1,167
    edited March 2017
    Dark20 wrote: »
    Tell me about it. Nexon never does anything right.

    Nexon never does anything right? It sounds like you've neglected to try out the plentiful amount of other games that Nexon has to offer.
  • BooberpuppyBooberpuppy
    Reactions: 3,415
    Posts: 322
    edited February 2017
    People are more salty about the company Nexon itself and their poorly expressed leadership and lack of communication, yet continue to play Maplestory for the love of the GAME and hanging with their friends, not for the company itself. Admittedly, Nexon occasionally gets a few things right here and there, and it's like a real breath of fresh and promising air on days when that happens. BUT, by and large, it is obvious that they are not exactly on top of things when it comes to giving players what they REALLY want to see changed and doing said things in a timely manner.

    bumbertyr, take your foggy goggles off for a minute and look around. A lot of people are not happy with Nexon's lack of service and presentation when it comes to certain things, some of which have been going on senselessly for YEARS without being fixed, despite the endless complaints both on these forums and all over other gaming community sites...to say nothing of all the ninja nerfing they are so horrible about (lack of transparency/avoiding confrontation) among other things.

    The best we can do now in make jokes about it to alleviate some of the frustrations that come with the issues. The lag situation may not be the easiest thing to deal with as an MMO company and I get that, but the fact that they act all hunky-dory or dodgy about (working as intended!) it is what has a lot of players overall irked.
  • LilyflowerLilyflower
    Reactions: 4,030
    Posts: 760
    edited February 2017
    People are more salty about the company Nexon itself and their poorly expressed leadership and lack of communication, yet continue to play Maplestory for the love of the GAME and hanging with their friends, not for the company itself. Admittedly, Nexon occasionally gets a few things right here and there, and it's like a real breath of fresh and promising air on days when that happens. BUT, by and large, it is obvious that they are not exactly on top of things when it comes to giving players what they REALLY want to see changed and doing said things in a timely manner.

    bumbertyr, take your foggy goggles off for a minute and look around. A lot of people are not happy with Nexon's lack of service and presentation when it comes to certain things, some of which have been going on senselessly for YEARS without being fixed, despite the endless complaints both on these forums and all over other gaming community sites...to say nothing of all the ninja nerfing they are so horrible about (lack of transparency/avoiding confrontation) among other things.

    The best we can do now in make jokes about it to alleviate some of the frustrations that come with the issues. The lag situation may not be the easiest thing to deal with as an MMO company and I get that, but the fact that they act all hunky-dory or dodgy about (working as intended!) it is what has a lot of players overall irked.

  • Dark20Dark20
    Reactions: 1,060
    Posts: 172
    edited February 2017
    Just look at the event hall. Epic fail nexon as always. And game crashes when changing characters.
  • Dark20Dark20
    Reactions: 1,060
    Posts: 172
    edited February 2017
    People are more salty about the company Nexon itself and their poorly expressed leadership and lack of communication, yet continue to play Maplestory for the love of the GAME and hanging with their friends, not for the company itself. Admittedly, Nexon occasionally gets a few things right here and there, and it's like a real breath of fresh and promising air on days when that happens. BUT, by and large, it is obvious that they are not exactly on top of things when it comes to giving players what they REALLY want to see changed and doing said things in a timely manner.

    bumbertyr, take your foggy goggles off for a minute and look around. A lot of people are not happy with Nexon's lack of service and presentation when it comes to certain things, some of which have been going on senselessly for YEARS without being fixed, despite the endless complaints both on these forums and all over other gaming community sites...to say nothing of all the ninja nerfing they are so horrible about (lack of transparency/avoiding confrontation) among other things.

    The best we can do now in make jokes about it to alleviate some of the frustrations that come with the issues. The lag situation may not be the easiest thing to deal with as an MMO company and I get that, but the fact that they act all hunky-dory or dodgy about (working as intended!) it is what has a lot of players overall irked.

    It's what I've been saying all along. They ruined so many things like unnecessary changes to so many classes. I'm very anti nexon.

    They made cannon bazooka into a non laser skill. That really makes me wanna rage quit. This is the death of maplestory. And why are dual blade skill books NX items only? Hey nexon, why not just ruin all other classes while you're at it? They got rid of kaiser's ability to teleport in transfiguration. Lame.......... don't make me laugh nexon..........

    And I thought microsoft was greedy. Nexon's 10x worse.
  • Dark20Dark20
    Reactions: 1,060
    Posts: 172
    edited February 2017
    bumbertyr wrote: »
    Dark20 wrote: »
    Tell me about it. Nexon never does anything right.

    Nexon never does anything right? That's a rather biased comment, it sounds like you've neglected to try out the plentiful amount of other games that Nexon has to offer? I can assure you Nexon does MANY things right, in fact all together Nexon does a lot more right than wrong.

    How does nexon do anything right? What a joke.......

    Just look at how poorly dragon nest was managed before they had to give it up to a different publisher..........
  • Dark20Dark20
    Reactions: 1,060
    Posts: 172
    edited February 2017
    Hey Sagyo, you listening? You're a GM. Do something about this sh**t. Or are you too chicken sh**t to do anything about it?
  • LilyflowerLilyflower
    Reactions: 4,030
    Posts: 760
    edited February 2017
    Dark20 wrote: »
    Hey Sagyo, you listening? You're a GM. Do something about this sh**t. Or are you too chicken sh**t to do anything about it?
    lol its so sad that not even single gm for maplestory cares about the game unfortunately.

  • Its2Sharp4UIts2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
    Posts: 884
    edited February 2017
    Dark20 wrote: »
    Just look at the event hall. Epic fail nexon as always. And game crashes when changing characters.

    Wait till you look at the "Bug Reporting" section, or the "Suggestions, Feedback, and Impressions".

    When you try to forward it to Customer Support, they'll usually throw you back to the graveyard here.

    "Lets just hope the things we throw at the community keeps them happy instead of actually making a proper list and fixing said problems while maintaining communication so we don't sound like we dashed out the backdoor".

    This is why Global MapleStory isn't popular for what it's serviced in. Just pushing cool updates isn't going to revive or increase the overall player-base when the game is almost quite literally unplayable with all sorts of lag, frame drop, freezes, crashes, and errors. Hardly anybody is going to do those pop-up surveys when the game crashes when people feel like critical feedback isn't being forwarded at all on the forums or customer support a majority of the time.

    Reporting one bug took years for it to be recognized 3 times and then fixed. Pushing for a suggestion has even less chances. This shouldn't be the normal, but it is. This is why we have such a toxic community that simply goes onto memes about "Reboot Master Race" and "paying player scum" (on an unrelated note if people didn't buy NX and actually boycott it there's a bigger chance this game would shut down, but that's a totally different topic for a totally different day).

    Like the only thing that's keeping GMS in the lead of Private Servers (note: discussion about this is allowed, but a private server name is included is not allowed) is the updated content. Everything else has met with a grade of garbage tier.
  • forumsareannoyingforumsareannoying
    Reactions: 2,815
    Posts: 337
    edited February 2017
    I wouldn't be surprised if they just closed Maplestory. Nexon is a horrible company and these forums should be proof enough. I was unable to log in for WEEKS and I noticed a few people mention the same thing. I just figured it's nexon's way to reduce the amount of people that speak the truth about their garbage services. Well I'm back and guess what Nexon, I'm still gonna call you out. This lag has been going on for like 3 months now, what's the deal?
  • CobainCobain
    Reactions: 780
    Posts: 37
    edited February 2017
    It's easier to point out the bad things someone does, then to see all the good things people do.
  • RiceKrispiesRiceKrispies
    Reactions: 210
    Posts: 13
    edited February 2017
    Cobain wrote: »
    It's easier to point out the bad things someone does, then to see all the good things people do.

    Sure, there are times when I'm happy with Nexon. (Mostly, those "times" came from 10+ years ago when I was 9 years old though lol). However, I've basically watched Nexon fall from a game I loved to play, to a game that I play only because my friends still play/ trying to continue a routine of some sort. It's sorta like dropping a book or manga series, you've already read so much, you might as well continue?

    I remember they used to manage hackers, and advertisers so much better. I remember my cousin getting banned for smega-ing some toxic stuff lol.
    What do they have now? Hackers roaming all over the place, and advertisers selling mesos freely (cause that's basically one of the things that keeps Maplestory alive >.>). Its like they don't even monitor their game. It's the players who often find the problems and report it, and Nexon taking forever to respond (or even just straight out ignore). It's like were doing their job. EVEN THEN when, we, the players, report a problem, they basically try to deny the truth that's it a problem on their end, instead of trying to make a list. Their lack of communication astounds me.
  • LilyflowerLilyflower
    Reactions: 4,030
    Posts: 760
    edited February 2017
    I still remember the good old times in the community and the game!
    firstly, the community is always listening to what the players have an issue with the game :) secondly, the gm is always there to report any hackers or botters immediately good times still gonna remember it :)
    now.. it's not the same to what it used to be :/.
  • CobainCobain
    Reactions: 780
    Posts: 37
    edited February 2017
    Lilyflower wrote: »
    I still remember the good old times in the community and the game firstly the community is always listening to what the players have an issue with the game secondly the gm is always there to report any hackers or botters immediately , good times ! now... it's not the same to what it used to be.

    I've been playing Maple since '07. I played every day for 5 years straight. Just recently came back to the game and in the entire time I've played, I've only ever seen 1 GM and that was in an Invasion Event when GMs summoned a ton of mobs in each town.
    With a large part of the community only bashing the game and the devs, I wouldn't wanna hang out with everyone either. Not to mention, when ppl see GMs, they harrass the hell out of them. If people would treat people, like people, then these issues wouldn't be... well... an issue. o.O
  • LilyflowerLilyflower
    Reactions: 4,030
    Posts: 760
    edited February 2017
    Cobain wrote: »
    Lilyflower wrote: »
    I still remember the good old times in the community and the game firstly the community is always listening to what the players have an issue with the game secondly the gm is always there to report any hackers or botters immediately , good times ! now... it's not the same to what it used to be.

    I've been playing Maple since '07. I played every day for 5 years straight. Just recently came back to the game and in the entire time I've played, I've only ever seen 1 GM and that was in an Invasion Event when GMs summoned a ton of mobs in each town.
    With a large part of the community only bashing the game and the devs, I wouldn't wanna hang out with everyone either. Not to mention, when ppl see GMs, they harrass the hell out of them. If people would treat people, like people, then these issues wouldn't be... well... an issue. o.O
    yeah I remember that back in beta I got bullied and I report to gm about it lol even i joined in the guild and got kicked out by a guild master just because I'm the weakest player.

  • bumbertyrbumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
    Posts: 1,167
    edited March 2017

    bumbertyr, take your foggy goggles off for a minute and look around. A lot of people are not happy with Nexon's lack of service and presentation when it comes to certain things, some of which have been going on senselessly for YEARS without being fixed, despite the endless complaints both on these forums and all over other gaming community sites...to say nothing of all the ninja nerfing they are so horrible about (lack of transparency/avoiding confrontation) among other things.
    Dark20 wrote: »

    How does nexon do anything right? What a joke.......

    Just look at how poorly dragon nest was managed before they had to give it up to a different publisher..........

    Most of the issues that get complained about Nexon America doesn't have control over. Most, if all, decisions for maplestory go through NXK. You guys constantly berate Nexon America for like you said "lack of service presentation" or "bad gms bad lag" but that's just it, most of these problems are pretty much specific too THIS game. Maplestory is pretty much the only game where NxK has essentially full control over in America, because of this the American Maplestory team is extremely restricted with what they can and can't do, all major decisions are made by NxK. Most of the issues problems and bugs in our game can't be fixed without their say. Certain restrictions on bosses and content can't be changed without their say. Revamps, overhauls, skill changes, etc can't be made without their say. Look at our current list of games and tell me, on that list OTHER than Maplestory, what game truly suffers the massive amount of problems that we do?
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited February 2017
    bumbertyr wrote: »

    bumbertyr, take your foggy goggles off for a minute and look around. A lot of people are not happy with Nexon's lack of service and presentation when it comes to certain things, some of which have been going on senselessly for YEARS without being fixed, despite the endless complaints both on these forums and all over other gaming community sites...to say nothing of all the ninja nerfing they are so horrible about (lack of transparency/avoiding confrontation) among other things.
    Dark20 wrote: »

    How does nexon do anything right? What a joke.......

    Just look at how poorly dragon nest was managed before they had to give it up to a different publisher..........

    Foggy goggles, the sad part is I'm probably one of the only people seeing clearly, most of the issues that get complained about Nexon America really doesn't have control over, most if all decisions go through NXK. You guys constantly berate Nexon America for like you said "lack of service presentation" or "bad gms bad lag" but that's just it, most of these problems are pretty much specific too THIS game. Maplestory is pretty much the only game where NxK has essentially full control over in America, because of this the American Maplestory team is extremely restricted with what they can and can't do, all major decisions are made by NxK. Most of the issues problems and bugs in our game can't be fixed without their say. Certain restrictions on bosses and content can't be changed without their say. Revamps, overhauls, skill changes, etc can't be made without their say. Look at our current list of games and tell me, on that list OTHER than Maplestory, what game truly suffers the massive amount of problems that we do?

    Why should we care whether it's Nexon America or Nexon Korea?
    We complain against Nexon as a unit. Nexon, as a whole, is responsible for delivering a playable game with decent customer service, etc, and Nexon, as a whole, is failing at this task.
  • bumbertyrbumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
    Posts: 1,167
    edited March 2017
    AKradian wrote: »

    Why should we care whether it's Nexon America or Nexon Korea?
    We complain against Nexon as a unit. Nexon, as a whole, is responsible for delivering a playable game with decent customer service, etc, and Nexon, as a whole, is failing at this task.

    The first steps to understanding and trying to find a way to fix the problems with the game is understanding the mindset behind those actually making the decisions for the game. By constantly putting down, getting angry with, and sending death threats to the mere middle men, how do we ever expect our conditions to improve? It's the classic case of consumer employee supervisor. The consumer absolutely hates something, employee reciprocates the feelings to the supervisor, supervisor makes the decision and tells the employee what to do, consumer hates it and employee gets all the blame. Over time that employee is going to begin to hate their job and maybe they won't put as much effort into helping the consumers, i mean why would they? They constantly get attacked for things they don't have control over which in the end causes the quality of their work to degrade. Before the argument comes up "They're a professional work place that would never fly etc" This is actually pretty common in most workplaces that have employees working directly or indirectly with consumers.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited February 2017
    bumbertyr wrote: »
    AKradian wrote: »

    Why should we care whether it's Nexon America or Nexon Korea?
    We complain against Nexon as a unit. Nexon, as a whole, is responsible for delivering a playable game with decent customer service, etc, and Nexon, as a whole, is failing at this task.

    If you don't care about who's making the major decisions about the game and who's actually gotten us into this mess, by that logic why care about the game at all? The first steps to understanding and trying to find a way to fix the problems with the game is understanding the mindset behind those actually making the decisions for the game. By constantly putting down, getting angry with, and sending death threats to the mere middle men, how do we ever expect our conditions to improve? It's the classic case of consumer employee supervisor. The consumer absolutely hates something, employee reciprocates the feelings to the supervisor, supervisor makes the decision and tells the employee what to do, consumer hates it and employee gets all the blame. Over time that employee is going to begin to hate their job and maybe they won't put as much effort into helping the consumers, i mean why would they? They constantly get attacked for things they don't have control over which in the end causes the quality of their work to degrade. Before the argument comes up "They're a professional work place that would never fly etc" This is actually pretty common in most workplaces that have employees working directly or indirectly with consumers.

    So how do you suggest we get through to the people who do make decisions?
    The employee is the only person we ever see, and if we don't communicate our displeasure clearly enough to them, then they won't pass it on. They'd just think they did their job of placating us, while rage festers inside and eventually we just stop doing business with that establishment and the top people don't even know why.