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Own avatar/signature on the forum.

Reactions: 1,440
Posts: 69
edited March 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Hello everyone!
If there are topics regarding this suggestion, then my apologies in advance. Could only find 1 topic from september 2016 where the 'old gm' said it would be added in some nearly future.

Anyways as we are now almost 8 months later and i haven't seen an update (i maybe missed). I'd like to suggest that we are able to use our own avatars and if possible add a signature function. I believe alot of forumers will be happy to see this update.

And if the reaction of nexon would be that it will be a big mess to let people use all kind of images, i'd suggest to get the images at website working from our chars and therefor be able to link the picture of your char ingame to the forum.
Imo this will cheer up the forum abit, rather then those we have right now.

Opinions? Other suggestion?



  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited March 2017
    OneLetter wrote: »
    Custom avatars are still on the way, and it's middle of the priority list to give you an idea. We're actually rolling out some additional adjustments to the current forum to improve the current WYSIWYG, so all of you can post a little easier after the reduction of the previous HTML. There's some other features we're working on as well.

    If you would like to see some of the adjustments, they are already live on the LawBreakers and Vindictus forums, coming to MS soon.

    On a personal note, I want custom avatars too so I can continue my longstanding tradition of using Purple Tentacle from Day of the Tentacle as my permanent everything icon.

    Besides the fact that ranking images have been broken for many months, I do not like your idea that the images be restricted to images of our characters.
    The old forums had complete freedom to choose our avatars (other than a size restriction), and while people occasionally tried for inappropriate ones, it was hardly so rampant that the mods couldn't handle it.

    As for signatures - personally I don't like them, because they clutter up the page. I'd rather be able to see as much text as possible. Compare to the avatars, that are on the side, and are helpful in recognizing who the poster is. Signatures are usually irrelevant to whatever topic is under discussion, and you could put their contents in the "About Me" profile page.
    If we do get signatures, I'd like them to only be shown in Off-Topic, Fan Art, and Introductions (if we get that section). Or for us to have the option to hide them.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited March 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    As for signatures - personally I don't like them, because they clutter up the page. I'd rather be able to see as much text as possible. Compare to the avatars, that are on the side, and are helpful in recognizing who the poster is. Signatures are usually irrelevant to whatever topic is under discussion, and you could put their contents in the "About Me" profile page.
    If we do get signatures, I'd like them to only be shown in Off-Topic, Fan Art, and Introductions (if we get that section). Or for us to have the option to hide them.

    Personally, I'm of the "don't ever allow them in any extent" camp. This isn't the mid-2000s. You don't need a forum signature to reaffirm your individuality or something. Most of the time it's just annoying clutter. That's not even taking into account that you'd have to police them constantly for either inappropriate images, things being too big(because I severely doubt Vanilla allows for a forced limit on that) and things being, well, generally too annoying. Not everyone wants to see a large, flashing banner image and a dozen small sprites going absolutely bonkers at the footer of every one of someone's posts.

    And yes, size is an issue. I've had to adblock a few here and there around the internet because some ass-wagon decided, for whatever god-forsaken reason, that this 300-pixel-high and 800-pixel-long banner would be an excellent addition to their forum signature.
  • StéphyStéphy
    Reactions: 1,440
    Posts: 69
    edited March 2017
    Thanks guys for the information and your opinions.
    I do agree that size can be a big issue at signatures, unless they add that you can only add certain amount of words and no pictures (or no pics larger as). But let's first get our own avatars :)
    @Akradian i'm also more a fan of own avatars, as i rather have my own picture then my char in game. I was just thinking further if they would not accept our own avatars then maybe this can be an option B.

    Anyways then we will be patient and wait untill they add it i guess.'