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Regarding PTS Applications

Reactions: 600
Posts: 2
Member, Private Tester
edited July 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Hey everyone,
it may not be that important but I did not like the fact that in nearly all Test Server Applications you cant write anything or explain why you want to test stuff, so here's a small post to maybe "collect" some suggestion to maybe improve those (if they read this).

As for me, I am a casual Maplestory Player that doesnt play that much and doesnt really spend money on the game (I mostly only play when theres a new patch out and when a new class gets released), my highest character is a LvL 201 Zero. I just love new stuff, I played nearly every class to atleast lvl 60 as of this post but as many of you now grinding is repetitive and thus isnt that fun for me, but all those new changes that seem to focus on making leveling more fun and "adventurous" are really interesting for me and I would love to see what happens to this game but there just isnt any way for me to say how much I want to test all that stuff that is coming up other than to make this post. I also loved to test stuff on other test-servers, like League of Legend's PBE, Smite's PTS or Diablo 3's PTR but that's besides the point.

I would love to here your idea to this thought, if you have any questions then feel free to ask them.

With kind regards Zeronite, a german maplestory player.
  1. Do you think its a good idea to make applications for Test Servers a bit more in-depth?13 votes
    1. Yes, because then players that actually want to test actively get chosen.
       77% (10 votes)
    2. No, because a random factor gives everyone the same chances.
       23% (3 votes)
    3. Yes, because of another reason. (Feel free to write them down below!)
       0% (0 votes)
    4. No, because of another reason. (Feel free to write them below!)
       0% (0 votes)


  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited July 2017
    Yeah, I have been on my share of Open Betas and one official Test server. I have been wanting to do something to try and improve Maplestory since I joined. (I have a share of mock resumes from Middle school to 10th grade I wrote specifically as if I applied for a job at Nexon) and I really want to join the Test server since I would say on a real resume that I am very detail oriented and tend to notice little things that might not be noticed by others. I want to improve the game...while I may not be out banning hackers or something...I can at least find bugs and then make sure they don't cause grief on the live server.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited July 2017
    It's not a job interview. The random factor would entail different feedback from the gameplay. I dont think spending money on the game will have anything to do with being chosen. most likely it is a random number generator thats picks the players. Imagine how many people would write the same thing, what they think Nexon would want to hear to be chosen. Wouldnt you rather not be chosen because it was random than because you didnt say what they wanted to hear, or think you didnt say what you think they wanted to hear?
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited July 2017
    It's not a job interview. The random factor would entail different feedback from the gameplay. I dont think spending money on the game will have anything to do with being chosen. most likely it is a random number generator thats picks the players. Imagine how many people would write the same thing, what they think Nexon would want to hear to be chosen. Wouldnt you rather not be chosen because it was random than because you didnt say what they wanted to hear, or think you didnt say what you think they wanted to hear?

    The question isn't how I would feel about not being chosen. The question is what's better for the game. And I think choosing testers at random would be a mistake.

    Last time we had Tespia, years ago, the testers were chosen at random. As a result, the vast majority were not interested in testing, but just in fooling around with the auto-leveling and free gear offered by the server. Another group were there to scope out exploits (and not report them to Nexon). And only a few were actually testing.
    The result was a complete failure and Tespia being closed off for years.

    We do not want a repeat of that. So I hope Nexon does do some kind of "interview" before accepting people, to make sure that they know what they're signing up for. The fact that there's an NDA involved this time - a legally binding contract you have to sign with your real ID - gives me hope that Nexon is a lot more serious about player testing, this time.

    TBH I don't know why everybody is so eager to get into Tespia. Well, actually, I do know. "Get to see the new content before everybody else." But that's not what Tespia needs. That's not what the game needs. And if you think about it, it's of little use to you (generic you) too. So you get to see the new content first, so what? You're not allowed to tell anybody about it. Playing it doesn't give you anything for your real account - you're going to have to play it all over again on the live servers when it's released. And meanwhile, for "testing", you might need to run through it over and over while it crashes or glitches or behaves oddly, try to figure out whether it's a bug or intended, and write out detailed bug reports galore, with screenshots and videos and stuff. Does that sound like fun? It's an actual job that people get paid to do, because a lot of it is very tedious and frustrating.

    Some people want to do this job, voluntarily, for the satisfaction of knowing they've helped make the next patch not be a nightmare of bugs and unscheduled maintenances. These are the people who Nexon needs to find. Not random players who may well be useless or even malicious.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited July 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    It's not a job interview. The random factor would entail different feedback from the gameplay. I dont think spending money on the game will have anything to do with being chosen. most likely it is a random number generator thats picks the players. Imagine how many people would write the same thing, what they think Nexon would want to hear to be chosen. Wouldnt you rather not be chosen because it was random than because you didnt say what they wanted to hear, or think you didnt say what you think they wanted to hear?

    The question isn't how I would feel about not being chosen. The question is what's better for the game. And I think choosing testers at random would be a mistake.

    Last time we had Tespia, years ago, the testers were chosen at random. As a result, the vast majority were not interested in testing, but just in fooling around with the auto-leveling and free gear offered by the server. Another group were there to scope out exploits (and not report them to Nexon). And only a few were actually testing.
    The result was a complete failure and Tespia being closed off for years.

    We do not want a repeat of that. So I hope Nexon does do some kind of "interview" before accepting people, to make sure that they know what they're signing up for. The fact that there's an NDA involved this time - a legally binding contract you have to sign with your real ID - gives me hope that Nexon is a lot more serious about player testing, this time.

    TBH I don't know why everybody is so eager to get into Tespia. Well, actually, I do know. "Get to see the new content before everybody else." But that's not what Tespia needs. That's not what the game needs. And if you think about it, it's of little use to you (generic you) too. So you get to see the new content first, so what? You're not allowed to tell anybody about it. Playing it doesn't give you anything for your real account - you're going to have to play it all over again on the live servers when it's released. And meanwhile, for "testing", you might need to run through it over and over while it crashes or glitches or behaves oddly, try to figure out whether it's a bug or intended, and write out detailed bug reports galore, with screenshots and videos and stuff. Does that sound like fun? It's an actual job that people get paid to do, because a lot of it is very tedious and frustrating.

    Some people want to do this job, voluntarily, for the satisfaction of knowing they've helped make the next patch not be a nightmare of bugs and unscheduled maintenances. These are the people who Nexon needs to find. Not random players who may well be useless or even malicious.

    Yeah, no selection process has even been disclosed, they may very well look into our accounts, or they may very well have more than one stage of selection.

    On your point about new content, content is already revealed from KMS players, the only stuff GMS players dont see is GMS exclusives

    What I was getting at was there should be more than one type of opinion/ type of feedback. Not one collective/shared idea of what the game should be like. If the process is too standardized/ too much criteria to be selected, every opinion will be the same, most feedback will be the same.
  • YakudleYakudle
    Reactions: 2,085
    Posts: 200
    edited July 2017
    well its hard to know if this its going to work i hope it does anyways
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited July 2017
    Yeah, no selection process has even been disclosed, they may very well look into our accounts, or they may very well have more than one stage of selection.

    On your point about new content, content is already revealed from KMS players, the only stuff GMS players dont see is GMS exclusives

    What I was getting at was there should be more than one type of opinion/ type of feedback. Not one collective/shared idea of what the game should be like. If the process is too standardized/ too much criteria to be selected, every opinion will be the same, most feedback will be the same.

    They're not doing it for opinions, they're doing it to find bugs.

    Although I suppose feedback such as "event items that lag you when looted might not be a good idea" is also desired.

    I don't see how the selection process would make all feedback the same. Just because all testers like to test, doesn't mean they all like, for example, jump quests. Or that they all have powerful computers. Or that they all main Nightlords.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited July 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    Yeah, no selection process has even been disclosed, they may very well look into our accounts, or they may very well have more than one stage of selection.

    On your point about new content, content is already revealed from KMS players, the only stuff GMS players dont see is GMS exclusives

    What I was getting at was there should be more than one type of opinion/ type of feedback. Not one collective/shared idea of what the game should be like. If the process is too standardized/ too much criteria to be selected, every opinion will be the same, most feedback will be the same.

    They're not doing it for opinions, they're doing it to find bugs.

    Although I suppose feedback such as "event items that lag you when looted might not be a good idea" is also desired.

    I don't see how the selection process would make all feedback the same. Just because all testers like to test, doesn't mean they all like, for example, jump quests. Or that they all have powerful computers. Or that they all main Nightlords.

    On that I can agree with you, if test server is just for testing for bugs, that's what should be done.
  • KittiesKitties
    Reactions: 1,245
    Posts: 26
    Member, Private Tester
    edited July 2017
    The registration to enter the tester lottery was a little too easy I admit. Perhaps they could recognize invested testers that give feedback this first round and maintain that group for future testing scenarios and gradually build a quality testing base.