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PSA: Play V portals have been fixed

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edited January 2017 in General Chat
I just did both a Bounty Hunter and an Inferno Den, and they both counted.


  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
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    edited January 2017
    Well color me surprised. Good job, Nexon, on fixing that in a rather timely manner.
  • AKradianAKradian
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    edited January 2017
    What is even odder is that they didn't post anywhere that they fixed it. It was left up to people who kept trying and then informed others when it worked (finally a use for the free smegas).
    This, and the fact that there was no server maintenance, not even a rolling channel restart, leads me to suspect that the fix, like the break, happened on its own.
    It's possible that this event was coded in two parts, because it spans two patches. But due to some timezone confusion, there was a gap left between when the first part ended (Jan 17th, 23:59 UTC) and when the second part began (Jan 19th, 00:00 PST). However, I don't know for sure when it started working again.
    Or maybe the team (in Korea) fixed it after the Americans had already gone to bed, so there was nobody to post a notice.
  • CasyliaCasylia
    Reactions: 510
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    edited January 2017
    Doesn't really matter-since anyone who didn't have every single box prior is SOL for finishing the event, unless they extend it.
  • LairLair
    Reactions: 1,225
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    edited January 2017
    It would be nice if they extend it by 2 days
  • AKradianAKradian
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    edited January 2017
    Casylia said:

    : "Doesn't really matter-since anyone who didn't have every single box prior is SOL for finishing the event, unless they extend it."
    Not really.
    The event had 4 spare days (16 boxes) built into it.
    We only missed out on 3 boxes.
  • CasyliaCasylia
    Reactions: 510
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    edited January 2017
    AKradian said:

    Casylia said:

    : "Doesn't really matter-since anyone who didn't have every single box prior is SOL for finishing the event, unless they extend it."
    Not really.
    The event had 4 spare days (16 boxes) built into it.
    We only missed out on 3 boxes.
    3 days(12 boxes, actually). Which makes quite a big deal since between the ridiculous maintenance times that we've had, and the bug, more than 3 days worth of boxes have been missed-remember, it takes 3 hours to actually GET all of the boxes, which when maintenance or a glitch only leaves you time to get 2 or 3, can hamper progress significantly.
  • AKradianAKradian
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    edited January 2017
    @Casylia , it was not, by any stretch of the imagination, three game days.

    Everything worked fine until the end of the day on January 17th.
    January 18th (UTC) didn't work at all.
    On January 19th, it was fixed at (or before) 10AM UTC (2AM PST).
    So, at most, if you can only play late in the (USA) day (as Deathmobs suggested), you missed two days.
  • FennekinFennekin
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    edited January 2017
    Still hoping for a mild extension. Not particularly for the absolab stuff, but for the rp and circulators lol. Blew all my money and saved honor xp trying to get AS +1....nada.

    I don't remember, why did they extend it last time? Googling showed threads complaining about extended/unscheduled (?) maintenances preventing players with certain schedules from participating that day. To me, it seems like the event bugging out for an entire day and a half is worse.
  • AKradianAKradian
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    edited January 2017
    Oh, I'm not opposed to an extension.
    I just don't think exaggeration ("3 days" "near-impossible") is the way to get it.
  • ChukkiChukki
    Reactions: 1,525
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    edited January 2017
    AKradian said:

    Casylia said:

    : "Doesn't really matter-since anyone who didn't have every single box prior is SOL for finishing the event, unless they extend it."
    Not really.
    The event had 4 spare days (16 boxes) built into it.
    We only missed out on 3 boxes.
    Every single box counts.

  • YinYangXYinYangX
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    edited January 2017
    Chukki said:

    AKradian said:

    Casylia said:

    : "Doesn't really matter-since anyone who didn't have every single box prior is SOL for finishing the event, unless they extend it."
    Not really.
    The event had 4 spare days (16 boxes) built into it.
    We only missed out on 3 boxes.
    Every single box counts.

    AKradian isn't saying that each box isn't important, she just commenting on the extremeness of Casylia's statement, which I agree with (AKradian). I missed a whole day cause of irl issues and I'm still good to go for the abso wea.
    Casylia said:

    Doesn't really matter-since anyone who didn't have every single box prior is SOL for finishing the event, unless they extend it.
  • LeedletimeLeedletime
    Reactions: 200
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    edited January 2017
    Some maplers(like myself) needed the exact number of remaining days to fully complete the play v event(obtain abso lab weapon). FOR TWO DAYS(January 17 and 18), play v did not register ANY completed pollo/frito/infernal dog portals, this bug put many maplers 6 boxes behind schedule and unable to obtain their much desired abso lab weapon. Nexon, if you're reading this, please extend the play v event by at least 2 days or count the two bugged days as completed.
  • ShakalakazShakalakaz
    Reactions: 300
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    edited January 2017
    Does anyone have a words from nexon if they going to extend this event or not? cause when i email them about the problem they just simply reply with we looking into it and may or may not ... it doesn't answer my question... really frustrated that i wont be able to get aboslab weapon just cause the glitch happen. I did my math correctly where im going to end with more than 96 box but now the most i can finish is 95... so to me this is just a bummer.