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Let us use shield/guardian scrolls on fishing eqs.

Reactions: 460
Posts: 23
edited March 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
We should be able to use Shield and guardian scrolls on the fishing equips, the amount of time it takes to get them as well as the scrolls is too intensive to risk booming them for upgrades, and fishing already relies heavily on NX anyways so I don't see why we are blocked from using them on the equips.


  • OdysseyTwoOdysseyTwo
    Reactions: 2,750
    Posts: 226
    Member, Private Tester
    edited February 2018
    On the subject of Guardian Scrolls, they should also be usable on Secondary Weapons and Emblems, because I wanted to use the Unique Potential Scroll from the attendance event on my Phantom's Emblem with Guardian Scroll for safety, but the Guardian Scroll wasn't usable on his Emblem and I didn't want to yolo the Unique Potential Scroll, and the Guardian Scroll wasn't usable on his Secondary Weapon either, so I ended up having to use the Unique Potential Scroll on his Frozen Cane (Guardian Scrolled of course), in spite of the fact that it's going to be downgraded to Epic if I transfer hammer the Frozen Cane.