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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
"Currently ingame" but nothing happening - Update
Since the new restrictions with the previous ways of accessing MapleStory, with the now only accepted launcher I can ... simply not access Maple Story any more.
I am on Windows 10. First and only time yesterday it started OK. I then logged off and gave my computer over to my husband. He obviously logged in to his account, and since then, the "PLAY" button is no more on orange, but on grey, and it says above "Currently in-game" - or "Game Launch stopped This product is currently in use" - but there is no Maplestory window open, so no access to the game.
Nexon launches once, and then no window for Maple Story opens - regardless of the successive logouts and logins, computer restarts and other gymnastics.
My DirectX is version 10.0 And all the rest of the requirements are met.
I will be so relieved to get some help about that, or that this bug be getting fixed.
Thank you!
I completely uninstalled Maplestory - previously saving the screenshots in a separate folder - completely downloaded it, and completely re-installed it. And it seems to work well now - thank you