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Check out the v.254 - Midnight Carnival - Ludibrium Patch Notes
Screenshot Memory Whale - Winners Announcement
We've received proof from many Maplers over the Dodos defeated for the past month
but doesn't it seem strange that they keep coming back?
For your bravery and efforts, we'd like to commend you all and send you our deepest of gratitude.
However, there can only be three screenshots rewarded for capturing the moment with either humor, or aesthetics
Please congratulate the following Maplers:
Prize Winners
Soapie, Lgnir, AranPride:
A clever joke tying together MapleStory's Shade lore and Re:ZERO's "Who's Rem?" meme!
Eras, HaiSoDaHot, Chrisper:
Not everything has to tie to Re:ZERO with this contest! Eras, HaiSoDaHot, and Chrisper shows us the cruel reality of Dodo. Save the baby seals!
Epic and stunning! Perhaps the most visually impactful take down of Dodo from all the entries.
Thank you all for entering and we'll be sure to keep everyone well updated with the mysteries surrounding Dodo. Something tells me that this isn't quite finished yet... A special shout-out to all those who entered and those of you who went totally in-character with your entries.
Winning Teams:
We'll be sending out the prizes before 6/13/2017, please contact us if you do not receive your Maple Points and mount by the specified date.
Gasp! Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We'll send the sky whales flying your way shortly.
plz do i still havent recieve mine yet
If not this week's then in the near future!
it's just a mount tho and there was only 7 winners