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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Closed Haste Macro Skill Bug
Bug type: Skill
Brief bug summary: Haste Skill repeats usage when used with a macro skill.
More details: Upon using a macro skill that includes haste, haste activates multiple times. In a macro skill when Haste is in the second slot, it activates multiple times (I think 3) and cancels the 3rd slot skill within the macro set. When haste is in the 3rd slot both 1st and 2nd skill goes off, but haste still goes off multiple times.
Steps to reproduce: Have haste skill as a night lord in the 2nd or 3rd slot of a macro skill, could be either sword or book.
1st slot Claw Booster
2nd slot Haste result = Shadow partner is not used and haste activates multiple times.
3rd slot Shadow Partner
1st slot Claw Booster
2nd slot Shadow Partner result = Haste goes off multiple times.
3rd slot Haste
Character name: Cøntraband
Character level: 217
Character job: Night Lord
World name: Reboot
Date and time of the incident: After the recent update
Are you sure you tested this was not fixed after the Unscheduled Minor Patch?
I posted an exact same thread here about the exact same issues which was resolved in the Unscheduled Minor Patch - June 22, 2017.
So apparently the patch was to fix it but didn't have enough time to test it before the second Unscheduled Maintenance... Hopefully it's fixed because for Hero's Rage and Maple Warrior does that. Super annoying.