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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
on second job, and still my dynamo guage will not charge. I created this character when the class first came out, and stopped playing because of this. I came back to it yesterday, and it still wont charge, no matter what I do. I cant use bunker buster, and any future skill dependent upon a charged dynamo gauge.
Try doing a full shutdown and restart, as explained here: https://www.howtogeek.com/129021/how-to-do-a-full-shutdown-in-windows-8-without-disabling-hybrid-boot/
redownloaded the launcher, and the game client, and downloaded it also on steam.
At the time you posted this, I believe the game had gone down for reasons that are unknown. All NA and Login servers were out of service for a time. Luna wasn't affected if you were already logged in.
It should be up now.
Does the Nexon Launcher start up?
Are you able to log in to it?
Does it show you the PLAY button for MapleStory?
What happens if you press that?