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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
we need a new system to fight the bots
reporting them does not really seem to work, if you stay to try to compete with them or fight for the spot by trying to out kill them your likely to get banned due to a employee thinking your mooching off the bot or strait up with the bot.
i'd rather have a vs mini game system that detects if some one is pulling mobs and rewards legit players.
personally i know some scummy people like to get friends to come in and help them force some one out and the system could be set up to diminish or nullify any rewards of people like that.
don't like my idea then share your instead of just saying it's a bad one at least i had a idea that could work but the fact is i know it might not work but that's life.
One thing that can be done is to not only increase GM presence to cut down the sheer amount of mesos/Elite Monster botters. This also means teaching them and updating them with the latest information after every patch/maintenance so they should know what's between right and wrong. Many players have claimed EMS has done well with their GM team so it bother me why GMS is having such a tough time.
Another idea is permanently patching the hack itself that allows to exploit the game code. Most of the time the game is just updated to scramble it around a bit and then the distributors of those hacks have it working again within a few days if not hours. I've seen hacks change overtime if looking back into history, but they take a RIDICULOUSLY long time to permanently patch them. What's very strange is that I'm seeing some types of hacks making a comeback which really wants to make me question, what are they doing? A lot of this analysis was based off seeing random botters I run into on a daily, and there are more than just "a hand full".
The last thing I would say, go after the distributors of those hacks. If they're not making profit off of it they're definitely going against the Terms of Use along with many other things that I probably don't even know about. It's quite funny how several of those sites who are responsible are still a go-to for hacks based off of keywords that I hear from some players time to time, it's simply unbelievable.
I reported botters, submitted many sorts of tickets throughout the years. I've participated in a thread where Nexon wanted popular hacking maps in order to combat said hackers. The numbers have been slowly on the rise, but at this point most of the botters don't even care anymore either if someone is in the map, or it being a popular area. Botters nowadays literally just hack away and many legitimate players are affected by this. If not training, the markets and rankings will show.
There are dozens of cheaters out in the open and even though those said people have been reported, most of the time when action is taken is generally when it has been way too late. A good example would be the recent duplication item exploit removal that only deleted the weapons, not going after the ring or distributors that are responsible.
I'm not saying that Nexon hasn't done anything, I'm saying Nexon hasn't put enough effort into average players seeing a difference in their reports.
I'll also say those of what I've said is the only way forward.
Hackers can auto-activate Runes.
i might agree on some type of 2nd verification for account but there should be more then one option as the fact is there are people who don't have a cell phone or won't use it in that manner.
Not everyone has a computer or internet service either. Cell phone text verification sounds like a curse for someone who doesn't have a mobile phone. Just remember, there are some who don't own a computer or have access to the internet. I could technically ramble about other fortunate people out there, but cell phone verification is something that most people could do.
Other methods may include some form of ID such as drivers license and such.
Cellphone verification could work, though that could be potentially circumvented with prepaid SIMs.
Another thing to mention is that Nexon should probably rework the server-side function of certain skills and mechanics in a way that would prevent certain types of hacks, for example preventing Blaze Wizards from hitting enemies outside of their range by checking the caster position and the enemy position. However, that could potentially cause lag and other connection related issues, especially for players with high ping.
Kids wouldn't have a Driver's license unfortunately...so thats a hard one to go off of. This game being "Kid friendly" and all.
Could work...but some people might use them to troll innocent players (in Mabinogi they had a Lie detector system...didn't go very well). I really wish I had the requirements to become a GM...I just know where I see a lot of bots from playing the game. I know a lot of them wouldn't mind an innocent looking player in their map (as I have had bots take my maps plenty of times) until I slap them with a ban. If only Nexon would take some serious players into their ranks...but so few are willing to take it seriously.
ty for the reply
hmm i never really played Mabinogi, like further*
but like... it can't go too bad... if u can only have a limit of 10 people, and maybe people can still report the people that abuse the lie detector so they could lose the privilege to use lie detectors o-o. That would be a lot of work for people at Nexon.....
i.e. player in a training map will get a lie detector notice randomly in 10-minute periods. Say for example between 2pm to 2:30pm, there'll be three, but not exactly on the 10th minute. Could be 2:03, then 2:17, then 2:25 or something. If someone is actually actively monitoring these bots as they "work" then they'd better be fast on their fingers. If they fail - DC. The problem with this is, it's going to be a pain during 2x when servers are particularly unstable.
Another way would be to also allow players to trigger lie detectors.
i.e. Player finds a bot, right clicks and triggers the lie detector. If bot fails - DC. To prevent other players from abusing said system and using it on actual players in order to be mean, you can put a 2-step process wherein if player triggers the lie detector for Player2, player2 can put in w/e the lie detector is asking for and either return the lie detector or block the other person. They could also implement that you can only trigger the lie detector on a person once a day like fame. That way, if they're tripping, they'd better come w/ a posse. Seeing as how some training maps have a level requirement or not easy to get to w/o a rock, it could hinder trolls.
Both suggestions are under the assumption that lie detectors won't work in non-training maps.
If they don't intend to go for lie detectors and would rather just improve the current system, then my suggestion would be based on the following assumption:
That the report feature puts the name in some sort of list
My suggestion is that they tweak it to include a counter. If a player/bot is reported a counter starts. The more times the player/bot is reported, the higher on the list it goes. If possible, they can input a system wherein if a player receives x amount of reports, the system is notified the next time the character is online -- Not sure if GMs patrol 24/7 but if they do, they can prioritize these people. Or better yet, they can just set up a system wherein if player is reported x amount of times, the system auto records the players actions and saves it for review. That way the GMs can just look at the evidence when they come in or whatever.