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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
I love the legion system. I think it's great at utilizing the character card function, and even better at giving benefits for training and leveling up your characters. But there's a really big issue with the legion level requirements. Getting to the max legion level requires an account to have 10,000 total levels, which is 40 level 250's. 40. It can take months, or even years in some cases to get a character to level 250, let alone 40 of them. It's not realistic to ask players to level all characters to 250 for a couple more legion slots. The time it would take, and the incredibly slim amount of people to actually accomplish such a time consuming feat, renders it useless.
Getting to 200 on the other hand, is a completely different story. After various patches, it's become a lot easier to get characters to 200. While getting 40 characters to 200 would still take a long time, it's nowhere nearly as bad as 250. It honestly just makes sense. Maplestory isn't a job. I don't have the time to sit and grind all of my characters to 250.
If there needs to be something to balance the lower level requirements, why not increase the amount of coins needed for each level? It would increase the time to get to higher ranks, but it wouldn't be such a hard hill to climb. Furthermore, getting characters to 250 would still help the legion through more damage and larger grid pieces. It would also keep the competition up for the best legion in the rankings.
Overall I think this idea would help bring out the legion's full potential. It'd still have a challenge to get to the highest legion rank, and it still keeps the benefits from going past 200. With other options to increase the time and (or) difficulty of getting to higher ranks, this suggestion will better the legion system.

I didn't undurstand this ''increase the amount of coins need for each level'', yes Union seens impossible to get 10000, but you need remember that you can already get most with 8000, they problably made this huge gap(like Dojo) so when they make lv250 easyer and maybe even lv300 you can actually get 10000.
Yes, you can get most of the benefits with 8000, that I won't deny. But I don't think assuming that Nexon will make getting to 250 easier, which I doubt will really make much difference when making 40 250's, is a solid approach to this issue. Besides, with this idea, the dojo-esk competition remains through the weekly coin rankings.
What I meant by raising the amount of coins for each level is well, exactly as it sounds (unless I'm missing something). Raising the amount of coins needed to raise the legion level. This would be a way of accounting for the coins that would've been used in leveling up the legion from 8000~10000.
Look, I'm not trying to be greedy, or spoiled here. I don't care about the stats that I'll be missing out on by not getting to the max legion level. Though if you view getting characters to 250 as "free damage" I doubt we'll be able to agree on much of anything. My point is that because the legion "Isn't designed to be maxed out", people are missing out on benefits for that exact reason. If the highest rank is a throwaway, why is it even there?
Legion can only support 40 attackers/ pieces to occupy the board. 40 characters max x 250 max levels = 10,000 union level
No everything should be obtainable in a game
Wouldn't you be annoyed if you achieved this feat but the highest reward tier was back at 8000? 1 extra grid slot per character ground those last 50 levels doesn't seem like a big enough reward. Being able to add more characters to the grid is a worthy reward.
Here's the issue. "You're not missing much by not having it, but having it does make you stronger." How is this minuscule boost worth getting to 250 on 40 characters. The time that this would take renders the boost useless because by the time that it would take to do this, one could probably be hitting enough damage that it wouldn't matter anymore. Even if that wasn't the case, that small boost isn't helping anyone. By the time you get to 6000, you'll already be able to fill up the most important pieces of the grid. Anyone who gets 40 characters to 250, won't have to worry much about crit rate, or exp boost, knockback, status resistance, or any of the other stats the grid provides.
People who still achieved 10000 would still feel accomplished. Do you really think someone will feel vindicated by an extra slot in the legion when they've gotten every character to 250? "Oh man, I'm really glad I can put down another piece, maybe funding all of these character was actually worth it!" You're putting too much value in the actual game value, and ignoring the fact that regardless for what reason, getting 40 level 250's is a new feat that no one's accomplished before.
Here's the issue. "You're not missing much by not having it, but having it does make you stronger." How is this minuscule boost worth getting to 250 on 40 characters. The time that this would take renders the boost useless because by the time that it would take to do this, one could probably be hitting enough damage that it wouldn't matter anymore. Even if that wasn't the case, that small boost isn't helping anyone. By the time you get to 6000, you'll already be able to fill up the most important pieces of the grid. Anyone who gets 40 characters to 250, won't have to worry much about crit rate, or exp boost, knockback, status resistance, or any of the other stats the grid provides. It's literally giving boosts to the people that don't need it anymore.
People who still achieved 10000 would still feel accomplished. Do you really think someone will feel vindicated by an extra slot in the legion when they've gotten every character to 250? "Oh man, I'm really glad I can put down another piece, maybe funding all of these character was actually worth it!" You're putting too much value in the actual game value, and ignoring the fact that regardless for what reason, getting 40 level 250's is a new feat that no one's accomplished before.
Keep in mind that by 36 attackers any additional character I add doesn't have a bonus which actually helps me. The only actual stat benefit I get is from the few extra squares I can place on my board, but I am already putting points into buff duration (everything of value to me is already maxed with 36 attackers) just for the convenience of having to buff slightly less often, lol.
It seems strange that you have a problem with people who grind more getting up to 20 (4 250's) extra blocks, but don't seem to have a problem with people getting up to 36 extra blocks from 36 250's. It's worth pointing out that by the time you have 36 250's most wont have anything left on the board that will make them stronger.
I have over 8k Legion level I like that I still have more to work towards.
10k Legion is, I estimate it will take me around 3 years.