I played a jett a really for a long time(and than deleted the class ).
Some of jetts problems are
Rather low Damage
Akward Hitbox
small Skill range
Like getting to lvl 30 is hard because starline 1 has like the range of a cut in half jett and the salvo skill isnt better either.
They need to trash a lot of jetts skills and try to use their own hands( no no copy-pasting zen was bad idea) and create jetts personal skills. Like look at kanna and hayato created by jms.
Some of jetts problems are
Rather low Damage
Akward Hitbox
small Skill range
Like getting to lvl 30 is hard because starline 1 has like the range of a cut in half jett and the salvo skill isnt better either.
They need to trash a lot of jetts skills and try to use their own hands( no no copy-pasting zen was bad idea) and create jetts personal skills. Like look at kanna and hayato created by jms.