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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Nexon should make bonus cubes just like how there are red and black cubes in the cash shop. They should make a bonus cube for 1,400nx and a different bonus cube for 2,400. Only difference is that the 2.4k you can choose if you want the before or after potential just like how the red and cubes are. Why I say this is because the bonus cubes in the cash shop are a bit too expensive. What do you all think?
They really should sell it in the CS directly but for w/e reason they just don't.
like... people would buy black cubes to tier up... then they would just buy Red cube after they get to legendary...
Why do i feel like Nexon want us to just keep buying Bonus potential cube for 2.4k nx o. o