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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Mushroomshrine skills not working as description
Bug type: Skills
Brief bug summary: Takeno's Blessing and Izuna's Will from Mushroom Shrine questline dont work as intended
More details:
Takeno's Blessing is supposed to be an invincibility skill but does not actually do anything.
Izuna's Will is supposed to ignore damage reflect but does not
(anything not included in the other sections of your report)
Steps to reproduce:
Takeno's Blessing - Use skill when a monster/boss is attacking you Ex. Arkarium Aoe screen crash 1hko move
Izuna's Will - Use skill when attacking Pink Bean during damage reflect, does no damage.
(if not covered in the summary)
Character name: Kirøya
Character level: 227
Character job: Blade Master
World name: Chaos
Date and time of the incident: Since Mushroom Shrine patch release I assume
(mention your time zone if you aren't posting Pacific time)
Izuna's Will affects Damage Cancel, as far as I'm aware, not Damage Reflect. It would be more useful if it were the other way around, definitely, but it's working properly from what I've seen.
Arkarium's minions are specifically coded to ignore physical attacks and are only affected by magic attacks.
I'm referring to the Damage Cancel ability, like the one Horntail can cast on his heads.
I distinctly remember the skill being described as rather useless, since the 5 seconds it lasts aren't enough to dish out any real damage. Personally I simply dropped Izuna as a skill as a result.