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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
"Recommended World: Renegades" stuck on screen
Bug type: Graphic
Brief bug summary: After hitting ESC in character selection screen, a window recommending Renegades appears, and stays on the screen until client exit.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Launch client. Select world and channel.
2. On the character selection screen, press ESC
3. Observe that you are returned to the World Selection screen, but with a recommendation for Renegades appearing on it
4. Select any world and channel, login to any character, do anything in the game, and observe that the recommendation does not disappear.
5. Observe that the recommendation window does not respond to either OK or Cancel, either.
Example (in Monster Life):
Doesn't change the fact that it's a bug, though.