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Best blessing for a Thief going Night Lord
There are two blessing skills I see in the skill window as i reach my first skill point. I'm new to MS. Which blessing should i take if any for being a Thief going Night Lord in the future?
I'm talking about blessing of the Fairy
Blessing of the Fairy (Passive)
Grants 1 skill level for every 10 levels your highest level character has. Blessing of the Fairy and Empress’s Blessing do not stack, so only the strongest skill will be active.
Level 1: Attack Power: +1, Magic ATT: +1
Level 20: Attack Power: +20, Magic ATT: +20
Note: You need to create at least 1 Explorer character (Warrior, Archer, Magician, Thief or Pirate) so it could provide the skill benefits to other characters within the same server/world!
or empress's blessing
Empress’s Blessing (Passive)
For every 5 levels on your highest level Cygnus Knight or Mihile character, this skill will gain 1 Skill Point. Blessing of the Fairy and Empress’s Blessing do not stack, so only the strongest skill will be active. This skill can reach a max of Lv. 30, based on your Cygnus Knight or Mihile character’s Noble Mind skill.
Level 1: Attack Power: +1, Magic ATT: +1
Level 30: Attack Power: +30, Magic ATT: +30
Note: You need to create at least 1 Cygnus Knight character (Dawn Warrior, Wind Archer, Blaze Wizard, Night Walker or Thunder Breaker) so it could provide the skill benefits to other characters within the same server/world!
as shared skills for explorer theif
"Grants 1 skill level for every 10 levels your highest level character has. Blessing of the Fairy and Empress’s Blessing do not stack, so only the strongest skill will be active."
Not something you can level. It's dependent on your strong character, being case that you are new, they're both going to be stuck at 1. xd
Not sure if you're trying to be poetic, but for the sake of not confusing the new player, it doesn't have to be a Cygnus/Explorer of the same class. So you can get Empress for your Night Lord from, say, a Thunder Breaker. Or get Fairy from a Paladin to your Night Lord.