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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
i have an error in opening the game
Everytime i run the game Maplestory pops up and i can only click 'ok'
This one
i cant play because this shows up everytime i run the game... any ideas on how to fix this??
There was another thread about this. Google it and I think you can find the original thread with some solutions. Think one of those usually works for all cases.
I checked this and havent found anything about this... the thread must've been a long time ago... but ill continue searching
I can't see your error message; the image link has expired. Could you be more clear on the issue you're having?
Did you google it? Cause it's the first thing that popped up when I just googled it right now.....
It's the blank error message that only has the okay button. (In case I reply before him.)