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some thoughts I've had while playing to improve pl

Reactions: 710
Posts: 9
edited January 2018 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
ayer experience
why is the quest kino kinoko's concern available at level 25 yet the monster needed to be killed to complete the quest is level I don't remember but over 100?
I was doing the forest of endurance jump quest and I was getting frustrated with it. I opened my quest log to remind myself why I was even doing this. It showed me in the quest log what the item was that I was jumping to obtain, ginseng root, but it didn't tell me what it was for. it just said something like "he said to get the ginseng root." I think it's fun to immerse myself in the game and act like I'm actually helping people with their life problems by doing quests so I think it would be neato to have it say more in the quest log about what the item is needed for, why the quest giver wanted it and how they would be helped by your success in completing the quest.
Also, there is an annoying lag thing happening as I play the game, where every like 4 or 5 seconds there is frame freeze for a fraction of a second. Makes jump quests especially difficult! I'm not sure if this lag thingy is because my computer isn't functioning optimally or if it's on the game server end but it makes me not want to play the game until that's not a thing any more.
Thanks for reading my feedback I love you


  • LilyflowerLilyflower
    Reactions: 4,030
    Posts: 760
    edited February 2018
    The lag is very frustrating for a player that wants to play the game but it's not the players fault it's just the game being very laggy as always.