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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Princess No Pre-quest Kanna Skills Issues
So in the princess no Pre-quest you're supposed to take a metamorph potion and you can turn into any character, i turned into Kanna
For Kanna
and kanna has her old skills, but they're not working correctly
and second the mighty shikigami haunting isn't a buff like it used to be it just shows the purple shikigami animation and it doesn't buff.
Edit : Where when talking to a NPC it shows your maple world avatar talking back more than the class you're playing
Undecided Bugs or not
For Kanna
Haku Reborn,the buff Disappears everytime you enter a new map
For Hayato
When he uses his buffs ( Military Might, or uses hitokiri strike (it gives you a buff after you use it) it disappears if you move to a new map
For Ayame
Her Vengeful Buff disappears when going into a new map
i want to apologize for not being able to record the issues, but i can't get a recorder or a screen to gif program right now.
(i'll also be editing this post if i run into any other bugs so i don't spam this post)
oh i see if it's intended, i'll just put it on the side notes, thank you for telling me!