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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Green Skin Doesn't Work With Lef Ears?
Bug type:
Brief bug summary: Trying to change to green skin tone with Lef ears turns your ears back to normal maple ears unless you change your skin tone back to something else.
More details: This isn't simply a preview window bug. Actually going through with it and changing your skin tone also changes your ears. Also if you try to change your ears after changing skin tone nothing will happen unless you change to a colour other than green. (i.e. if you did have lef ears, then changed to green, then tried to change ears it would turn them to maple ears for all other skin tones.)
Steps to reproduce: Simply check the preview window for skin change, or change skins, and watch your ears magically disappear!
Character name: FlyingIsDumb
Character level: 141
Character job: Illium
World name: Reboot
Date and time of the incident: Has happened consistantly since Illium launch.