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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Female Ark Memory of Root Graphic
I wasn't completely sure whether this should go in bug reports or not, but since it appears to also be the case in KMS, I decided to put it here as a request. Anyways-
When using Memory of Root AKA Abyssal Recall, the cutscene animation does not trigger if you are playing a female Ark. It seems silly to me to have it on male arks but not females. Even if it is obnoxious to some people, I appreciate the novelty of it. This was pretty disappointing for me; I almost considered making a male Ark just to have it. I would very much appreciate if it were added in for female Arks as well.
I would say that's the point of the skill, Ark recalls his own memories.
I'm pretty sure that in the lore there's only one Ark. Even if Ark is canonically male, it's not like only male Arks get the tutorial story. Female Arks still live out the same storyline in-game, and should recall the same memories when using Memory of Root.