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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
How do I use my abilities?
So I just started playing Maple Story and have chosen Ark as my first character. Problem is I have no idea how to use any of my abilities outside of a dash after a jump and basic melee attacks. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Open your skill tab (I believe the default key is "S" but I'm not sure, use the keyboard settings to check)
Drag and drop the skill you want onto the key you want to bind it to.
This can also be used to set hotkeys for any consumable items (such as potions) by opening your inventory and dragging-and-dropping the potion onto the desired hotkey.
Make sure you save your changes before you exit the menu.
Most keys are usable as individual hotkeys, except keys like CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT which will activate the same skill on either side. Certain keys cannot have skills bound to them (Backspace, Tab, Enter, ESC) and the numberpad cannot be used at all (PgUp, PgDn, Home, and End can, however).
Skills = K
Stats = S
That worked, thanks.
EDIT: I figured it out after looking it up.
What key are you using? Default is either z or 0 on numberpad?
Also, is it items from monsters you've killed? Is your inventory full?