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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Bug type: Visual, Cash item disappearing
Brief bug summary: My face i got from Royal coupons disappeared and was replaced.
More details: I got the Distant Gaze Face roughly 2 hours after the european reboot server launched. It was the same up until 7 hours ago. When i logged in at roughly 1pm CEST My face in the character selection screen was non-existant. It was an expressionless face with yellow shadow over the eyes. When i logged onto my character my Face was replaced with the standard explorer warrior face. I forgot to save my Face in the Salon, so I couldn't return to it.
Character name: Thresher
Character level: 154
Character job: Thunder Breaker
World name: Reboot 2
Date and time of the incident: 07.27.2018 ~1PM CEST
Screenshot 07.26.2018 9pm cest:
Screenshot 07.27.2018 1pm cest: