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Can i get Maplestory M PC link rewards on EU Reboo

Reactions: 830
Posts: 17
edited July 2018 in Off-Topic Discussion
I have linked my account using a level 151 character in eu reboot and i do not see the PC link rewards in my gifts, however i can see them when i check NA reboot. can anyone help me?


  • QNightDudeQQNightDudeQ
    Reactions: 300
    Post: 1
    edited July 2018
    how can help plz?????
  • AceJackAceJack
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 3
    Member, Private Tester
    edited July 2018
    Hi Guys,

    I did exactly the same - got the code on EU reboot, used it on MapleStory M EU server. Still get rewards on NA...

    Can anyone help here? It seems like global issue.
  • AceJackAceJack
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 3
    Member, Private Tester
    edited July 2018
  • darikdarik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited August 2018
    Im having the same issue