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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Let's create a little network of people who miss and want to play Amoria PQ.
You are welcome to mention both your IGN and world (server). this way we able to create a group, and all needed is someone to take an action.
(oh, and don't forget, you have to be married in order to go in!).
APQ, unfortunately, became the most forsaken PQ on Maple (among the rest).
I'm looking from the point view of Bera, but I understand that it's all-alike in the other worlds.
Reasons to play APQ? for a start, it's extremely fun - strategy, killing, looting - you have it all. and don't forget about the Onyx Apples!
In-game world: Bera
IGN: CeleRayon (married), CeleRayZ (main).