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Still Can't Launch Game At All.....

Reactions: 500
Posts: 10
edited September 2018 in Tech Support
Its been over a month since I have been able to launch maplestory. It goes through the security thing then it never opens the game. The nexon launcher then goes from in game to play again over and over and over. Ive tried literally everything ive seen online and nothing works.

There are SOOOOOOO many people with this issue yet nexon doesn't address it and ignores us. If you don't want us playing fine ill move on to another game if theres nothing nexon will do.

Oh and Maplestory2 works completely fine so clearly my nexon launcher is working but I assume theres something messed up with Maplestory and the files in it.


  • NybbleNybble
    Reactions: 205
    Posts: 11
    edited September 2018
    it has been over 10 years since anyone has been able to launch maple story LMAO, specially with this god awful launcher they implemented, everything is 20 times worse now... this damn company...
  • YoongiYoongi
    Reactions: 1,735
    Posts: 184
    edited September 2018
    me too