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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Bowmaster skill Storm of Arrows bugged post v.199
Bug type: Skill, Functionality
Brief bug summary:
After a couple tests it became clear that Storm of Arrows was not functioning properly. Specifically, the number of hits has been reduced down to 1/5th of normal. The negative effect seems to be more pronounced on stationary targets such as Gollux and PB statues
The number of lines per hit is the same, but the number of hits got cut by 50%. The way the skill works is you can proc the "rain" of arrows every 5 seconds, and once it has been proc'd the arrows will "rain" for 2.5s. The duration of the rain is unchanged, but the number of hits per rain is not correct. This is clearly unintended, and it is unfortunate that the bug offsets the intended class buff.
More details:
Video Demonstration on stationary target
Steps to reproduce:
Full duration of Storm of Arrows on a
stationary target(Gollux, Balrog, PB Statue)
Expectation: BA should show roughly the sameTimes Used as Pre-Patch ~150
Reality: BA now shows
half the times used Post-Patch ~75
Character name: MitziKitty
Character level: 246
Character job: Bowmaster
World name: Reboot
Date and time of the incident: October 4, 2018 at 5:30pm Pacific time. Post patch v.199
Just letting you know this issue is getting looked into
Thanks for the report!
It appears there was a bugfix in KMS ver. 1.2.295
The translated text states "Fixed an error where Bowmaster’s Arrow Rain activated in awkward positions on certain monsters."
We seem to have received a version of that fix, but with a bugged implementation.