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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Extreme Gold Potion buff disappears after disconne
Bug type: Item/Gameplay
Brief bug summary:
Extreme Gold Potion buff disappears after disconnecting or logging out.
More details:
A bug with the new patch has made the buff from the item 'Extreme Gold Potion' (gives +10% EXP) disappear upon disconnecting or logging off. As with the previous patch, the buff still stayed with the character even if the character logs off or gets disconnected because the item is considered as an EXP buff, and the quality of life changes made it so that all EXP buffs would stay on the character even after disconnecting or logging off.
But after patch v199 Darkness Looms [Oct 4], it seems that the Extreme Gold Potion does not stay, as I have found out after being disconnected and logging back on.
Steps to reproduce:
Character name: ShadeChest
Character level: 244
Character job: Hero
World name: Scania
Date and time of the incident: 11:30AM PST
You sure your gold pot didn't just expire? I just popped an Extreme Gold Potion, Changed Character, re-logged and the buff and bonus exp effect were both still there.