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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Blaze wizard disconnecting
bug type: disconnecting in Moonbridge
Brief bug summary: I keep disconnecting while doing the moonbridge quests on my Blaze Wizard after a minute or so of attacking, it only started happening after the 3rd orb on the statue was unlocked and it only happens on my blaze wizard.
more details: if i just sit in the map I'm fine. I tried just using orbital flame(and no other attacks) and tried maps with no other players and I still get disconnected. I also do the moonbridge quests on my Wind archer and Night walker and i have no issue with them, even in a map full of other players.
(anything not included in the other sections of your report)
Character name: PyuriKai
Character level: 220
Character job: Blaze wizard
World name: Reboot